Athletic Leagues
Youth Girls Volleyball Ages 7 - 12
Youth Developmental Baseball (Coed) Ages 5-8 Start your young slugger off right! Youth Developmental Baseball is here to help get you started and learn the fundamentals of hitting as well as fielding. T-ball (5-6 year old) and Coach Pitch (7-8 year olds) leagues will be coed to help players develop a strong foundation. The leagues will consist of both practices and games. Practices for all leagues will begin the week of August 5th and games are scheduled to begin the week of September 3rd. League rules and registration forms will be posted on our website: www.townofmorrisville.org Participants cannot exceed the age of their specific league as of October 31, 2019. Location: Morrisville Community Park Dates: Aug 5 - Oct 31 Days: M, T, W, Th, Sat Fees: (R)$50 ; (NR)$75 Time: After 5:30p on Weekdays; Between 8a-3p on Weekends Boys Little League Baseball Ages 9 - 12 We will be offering two boys baseball leagues. Kid Pitch (Minors) for 9-10 year olds, and Kid Pitch (Majors) for 11-12 year olds. The season will consist of both practices and games for each age group with an emphasis on player development. No standings will be kept for the Fall season. Practices for all leagues will begin the week of August 5th and games are scheduled to begin the week of September 3rd. League rules and registration forms will be posted on our website: www.townofmorrisville.org Participants cannot exceed the age of their specific league as of October 31, 2019. Location: Morrisville Community Park Dates: Aug 5 - Oct 31 Days: M, T, W, Th, Sat Fees: (R)$50 (NR)$75 Time: After 5:30p on Weekdays; Between 8a-3p on Weekends *Days during the week will be set based on team assignment with one activity on Saturday.
GAME PLAY All Game Days are located at CFCC and registration is not required. Please see individual programs for fee information. Come and join us on the first, third, and fifth Thursday of each month! Enjoy coffee provided by staff and participants are welcome to bring snacks and re- freshments! Bingo cards are $1.00 each (cash only). Pre-registration is not required. Th May 2, 16, 30 1:00p-3:00p $1 per card Th Jun 6 - 20 1:00p-3:00p $1 per card Th Jul 18 1:00p-3:00p $1 per card Th Aug 1, 15, 29 1:00p-3:00p $1 per card Domino-Rama Ages 55+ Do you enjoy playing Mexican Train dominoes with friends? We will have a tournament to crown the Cedar Fork dominoes champion! This is also a great opportunity to learn how to play. Prizes will be awarded for the tournament! Light snacks and beverages will be provided. Pre-registration is not required. May 20 1:00p-3:00p CFCC Jun 24 6 : 00p- 8 :00p $1 CFCC Jul 2 9 6 :00p- 8 :00p $1 CFCC Each Friday seniors are invited to enjoy dominoes, cards, and other games/activities! Another great opportunity to learn some new games and make some new friends! We will also have information about upcoming events and program. Pre- registration is not required. F May 3 - Aug 30 9:30a-12:00p FREE CFCC Game Night Ages 55+ Every Wednesday night from 6:00 - 8:00 pm we have game night! Dominoes is the favorite game, but feel free to bring your game and teach us all a new game. Light refreshments will be provided (coffee, tea, and water). Program is FREE and pre- registration is not required. W May 1 - A ug 2 8 6:00p-8:00p FREE CFCC $1 M M M M Aug 26 1 :00p- 3 :00p $1 CFCC Senior Fridays Ages 55+ BINGO Ages 55+
Come join the fun while learning how to play Volleyball! We are offering two leagues in girls’ volleyball, a Minor league for 7-9 year olds and a Major league for 10-12 year olds. The season will consist of both practices and games. Practices for all leagues will begin the week of August 5th and games are scheduled to begin the week of September 3rd. League rules and registration forms will be posted on our website: www.townofmorrisville.org Participants cannot exceed the age of their specific league as of October 31, 2019. Location: Cedar Fork Community Center
BBQ & Bingo Ages 55+
Resident Registration: January 14, 2019
We are thrilled to announce the return of our Senior Southern Style BBQ and BINGO event! This will be an evening of dining, BINGO, prizes and fun! The evening will include a catered dinner of southern BBQ and playing BINGO for cash prizes. This will be a night you will never forget! Pre-registration is required and event fills up fast so sign up beginning April 1st! Doors will not open until 5pm. S Aug 17 5 :00p- 9 :00p (R)$ 7 (NR)$ 9 CFCC National Senior Citizens Day Ages 55+ We would like to recognize the seniors in our community and welcome them to join us for a day of fun. A hot dog lunch with all the trimmings will be provided! This will be after Senior Friday. We hope to see you for a celebration of your day! Pre- registration is required. F Sep 6 1 :00p-3:00p FREE CFCC
Non-Resident Registration: January 28, 2019 (or as space allows)
*Registrations can be completed online or at any of our facilities.
Aug 5 - Oct 31 M, T, W, Th, Sat (R)$50 (NR)$75
Dates: Days: Fees: Time:
Registrations are accepted on a first- come, first-serve basis. Please note youth athletic programs have age cut- off dates that are used to determine a participant’s playing age. Age cut-off: October 31, 2019
Time: After 5:30p on Weekdays Between 8a-3p on Weekends
Skyhawks Athletic Camps Ages 5 - 12
Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Our programs are designed to give each child a positive introduction into sports while fostering a lifelong love for an active, healthy lifestyle. Please check out the options they have in conjunction with Morrisville Athletics. Location: Morrisville Community Park Visit https://www.skyhawks.com/triangle/ to register. Youth Coaches The Town of Morrisville is continually seeking positive role models to serve as youth coaches. If you are sports minded or want to support our local youth through sport please contact Bryan Rhea, Athletic Programs Supervisor at brhea@townofmorrisille.org. No previous experience required plus training provided. The time commitment for volunteering in our recreation leagues are approximately 3-4 hrs./wk. No prior coaching experience is necessary, and training is provided. We encourage you to step up and contribute to our players experience. Wondering about inclement weather closings? Call our weather hotline at: (919) 463-6215 or sign-up for our Notify Me system! www.townofmorrisville.org/notifyme *All athletic league cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted no later than 4:00pm weekdays and 7:00am on weekends. Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Soccer Ages 5 - 1 1
Join us for our Spring soccer season for boys and girls ages 1 1 and younger. We will have leagues separated into 4U Coed, 5U Coed, 7U Boys, 7U Girls, 9U Boys, 9U Girls, 10U Boys, 10U Girls, 11U Boys and 11U Girls . Our leagues will stress the basic fundamentals of the game, including passing, shooting, dribbling, rules, good sportsmanship, fair play and above all FUN. The season will consist of both practices and games. Practices for all leagues will begin the week of August 5th and games are scheduled to begin the week of September 3rd . League rules and registration forms will be posted on our website:www.townofmorrisville.org Participants cannot exceed the age of their specific league as of October 31, 2019 . If you are interested in coaching please complete a coaches application from the Town of Morrisville website. Location: Cedar Fork Community Center / Cedar Fork District Park Days: M, T, W, Th, Sat *Days during the week will be set based on team assignment with one activity on Saturday. Fees: (R)$50 ; (NR)$75 Time: After 5:30p on Weekdays; Between 8a-3p on Weekends
LUNCHEONS Senior Sundae Ages 55+
Join us at Cedar Fork Community Center as we enjoy summer’s favorite treat, ICE CREAM! We will supply the ice cream and the toppings. This is a great chance to socialize, meet new people and enjoy a tasty summer snack! Pre-registration is required. W Jul 17 2 :00p-3:00p (R)$ 1 (NR)$ 2 CFCC
8 (919) 463-7110 ~ Register online @ https://webtrac.townofmorrisville.org ~ Spring 2019
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