Combined Code_NOV2017

(Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-24) Sec. 58-69. School zones.

Whenever authorized signs are placed, erected, or installed indicating any street, or part thereof is a designated school zone, all drivers of motor vehicles using such street, or part thereof, shall exercise the greatest care in driving upon such street, or part thereof, for the protection of children and follow the posted and established speed limit in accordance with the standards published in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. __________

*Cross Reference: Speed on non-highway streets and in vicinity of schools § 58-42 __________ Sec. 58-70. Recreational streets.

Whenever authorized signs are placed, erected, or installed indicating any street, or part thereof as a recreational street, no person shall drive a motor vehicle upon such street, or part thereof, during the times indicated. All such streets shall be properly designated by the Town Council. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-26) Sec. 58-71. Temporary street closings and designation of parking or no parking zones due to special events. (a) The chief of police, or designee, is authorized to temporarily close to vehicular traffic, or restrict to local traffic, any street or streets within the town when the chief deems it necessary to meet the particular needs of a special event and to temporarily alter vehicular parking areas by permitting parking on streets where parking is normally prohibited or prohibiting parking on streets or in areas where parking is normally permitted. (b) The authority granted herein is subject to the following: (1) The area and boundaries of any street closing will consist of only those areas directly related to the special event and shall include any public street, sidewalk, or publicly owned area that is within or constitutes the boundary of the event.


No street, or portion thereof, may be closed for more than eight hours without the approval of the town manager.


The fire chief shall be notified in advance of all street closings.


Alteration of normal parking in areas affected by the special event will only be allowed for the 12 hours immediately prior to the event and during the event.

(Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-27; Ord. No. 01-56, §§ 1--3, 9-10-01)


Supp. No. 9

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