Combined Code_NOV2017
Turning at channelized intersections CD58:6 Junked, abandoned and nuisance vehicles. See also: ABANDONMENT and NUISANCES Legend Traffic control signal legend 58-62 CD58:10 Lights Parked vehicles 58-104 CD58:19 Lines Parking within 58-96 CD58:17 Municipal vehicles Smoking prohibited in 18-1(c) CD18:3 Noise prohibitions Regulations 18-41 CD18:5 Non-highway streets Speed on 58-42 CD58:8 No-parking zone Obedience to signs 58-65 CD58:11 Prohibited Zones Specified 58-101 CD58:17 Obedience Traffic regulations 58-1 CD58:1 Obstructions Stop when traffic obstructed 58-33 CD58:6 Vehicles not to obstruct traffic re parking 58-91 CD58:16 Parades, picket lines and group demonstrations Driving through parades 54-46(b) CD54:6 Generally Ch 54, Art II CD54:3-7 See also: PARADES, PICKET LINES AND GROUP DEMONSTRATIONS Parking along parade route 54-46(c) CD54:6 Parallel parking 58-93 CD58:16 Parking, stopping and standing Advertising, stopping or parking for prohibited 58-98 CD58:17 Certain places, stopping or standing or parking prohibited in 58-101 CD58:17 Certain street intersections, stop before entering 58-32 CD58:6 Curbs, vehicles backed up to 58-94 CD58:16 Illegal parking 58-97 CD58:17 Left side to curb, stopping on prohibited 58-95 CD58:16 Lights on parked vehicles 58-104 CD58:19 Lines, parking within 58-96 CD58:17 Moving of vehicles into prohibited area 58-102 CD58:19 Parade route, parking along 54-46(c) CD54:6 Parallel parking 58-93 CD58:16 Parked positions, vehicles moving from 58-103 CD58:19 Reserved parking spaces 58-99 CD58:17 Taxicabs parked in same block 58-100 CD58:17 Through street, stop before entering 58-31 CD58:6 58-35
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