Combined Code_NOV2017

Traffic-control signs, signals, devices and markings

Deliberately avoiding traffic-control devices prohibited

58-66 58-63 58-65 58-64 58-66 58-68 58-67 58-70 58-69

CD58:12 CD58:11 CD58:11 CD58:11 CD58:13 CD58:13 CD58:13 CD58:14

Flashing signals

No-parking zone and safety zone markers, obedience to No-turn signs and turning markers, obedience to

Obedience to devices



Obedience to, traffic signs and signals

Play streets Quiet zones

Recreational streets

School zones CD58:14 Temporary street closings and designation of parking or no parking zones due to special events 58-71 CD58:14 Traffic control signal legend 58-62 CD58:10 Turns and turning Channelized intersections 58-35 CD58:6 Limitation on turning around 58-36 CD58:7 Obedience to no-turn signs and turning markers 58-64 CD58:10 Unlawful riding 58-9 CD58:4 Vehicles for hire Ch 67, Art II CD67:3-8 See also: VEHICLES FOR HIRE Warning devices Service vehicles to be equipped with 58-92 CD58:16 Weeds, grass and refuse nuisance regulations Ch. 18, Art. III, Div. 2 See also: NUISANCES CD18:13-16 MOTORCYCLES Noise 18-41 CD18:5 MOVING BUILDINGS Boarding or alighting while vehicle in motion 58-8 CD58:4 MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS. See: PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PLACES, ETC. MUNICIPAL VEHICLES Smoking prohibited in 18-1(c) CD18:3 NEW CONSTRUCTION Fire prevention code New construction approval 22-45 CD22:6 NOISE Construction noise 18-45 (2) CD18:7 Exceptions 18-48 CD18:9-10 Particular sounds prohibited 18-45 CD18:7-8


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