Combined Code_NOV2017

(b) Misdemeanor. In addition to the levying of civil penalties for violations of this article, violations shall also be punishable as a misdemeanor offense under G.S. 14-4, each day's continuing violation constituting a separate offense. (Ord. No. 01-47, § 9, 8-13-01) Sec. 67-40. Appeal from refusal. (a) In case of refusal by the chief to grant a permit under this section, the applicant shall have the right to appeal, in writing within ten days of each successive administrative refusal, to the town manager. (b) Each written notice of appeal shall be filed with the town clerk. (c) The scope of the town manager's review shall be limited to that of fact finding only. (d) The town manager's decision on the question of granting or refusing such permit shall be final and conclusive. (e) After refusal by the administration or the chief of police the applicant shall make no new application within 12 months from the date he submitted the original application. Pending any appeal from a decision of driver's permit, it shall be unlawful for such applicant to drive a taxicab within the town or within one mile of the corporate limits thereof. (Ord. No. 01-47, § 10, 8-13-01) Sec. 67-41. Hiring with intent not to pay. Any person who engages, uses, employs or hires any truck, automobile, taxicab, ambulance or other vehicle and who fails or refuses to pay for same, with intent to cheat and defraud the owner and/or agent of the owner of the rental price, charge, fee or fare, therefore, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. No. 01-47, § 11, 8-13-01)


Supp. No. 9

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