Combined Code_NOV2017
Removal of abandoned, nuisance or junked motor vehicles; pre-towing notice requirements 18-116 CD18:21 Removal of vehicles; post-towing notice requirements 18-118 CD18:23 Sale and disposition of unclaimed vehicle 18-121 CD18:24 Unlawful removal of impounded vehicle 18-125 CD18:25 Noise Ch. 18, Art. II CD18:5-11 See also: NOISE Noxious weeds, grass and refuse Additional remedies 18-88 CD18:16 Investigation 18-83 CD18:14 Jurisdiction 18-81 CD18:13 Lien, creation of 18-87 CD18:16 Notification and collection of civil penalties 18-85 CD18:15 Nuisance abatement procedures 18-84 CD18:13-14 Recovery of town abatement costs 18-86 CD18:16 Unlawful conditions deemed public nuisance 18-82 CD18:13 NUMBERS AND NUMBERING Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 CD1:2 Street address numbering system. See: ADDRESSES and also STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS OATH, AFFIRMATION, SWEAR OR SWORN Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 CD1:2 OBLIGATIONS Ordinances not affected by Code 1-9(3) CD1:7 OBSTRUCTIONS Parked vehicles not to obstruct traffic 58-91 CD58:16 Parking prohibitions 58-101(a)(7) CD58:18 Stop when traffic obstructed 58-33 CD58:6 OCCUPANT OR TENANT Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 CD1:2 OFFENSES Alcoholic beverages, consumption and possession on Town Property 34-3 CD34:4 Discharging firearms within corporate limits prohibited 34-4 CD34:4 General penalty; enforcement of ordinances; continuing violations 1-6 CD1:4-5 Ordinances not affected by Code 1-9(1) CD1:6 Penalties for specific acts, omissions, violations, etc. See specific subjects as indexed OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES See: CODE ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATOR
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