Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019


TRANSPORTATION The transportation network within and around Morrisville is primarily oriented to serve automobile travel. Several major roadways, detailed in Table 2-3 , serve the Town including I-40, I-540, and the Triangle Expressway (NC 147 and NC 540) to the north; Davis Drive to the west and NC 54 to the east, which bisects the Town from north to south; and several east-west corridors including McCrimmon Parkway, Airport Boulevard, Morrisville-Carpenter Road, Aviation Parkway, Morrisville Parkway, and NW Cary Parkway. The rapid development of residential subdivisions without investment in major roadway projects has yielded a disconnected street network and stress on the Town’s major corridors. Roadways within the Town are owned and maintained by either NCDOT, the Town of Morrisville, or private entities such as neighborhood associations. NCDOT maintains the following roads within the Town of Morrisville:

· Louis Stephens Road · McCrimmon Parkway · Morrisville-Carpenter Road · Morrisville Parkway · NC 54 (Chapel Hill Road) · NC 540 · Slater Road (partial) · Sorrell Grove Church Road · Watkins Road (partial) · Wilson Road

· Airport Boulevard · Aviation Parkway

· Cary Parkway · Church Street · Davis Drive · Evans Road

· Holly Creek Road · Jerusalem Drive · Kit Creek Road · Lichtin Boulevard (partial)

While the Town’s walking and bicycling network has seen significant growth and many opportunities for increased access to transit exist, Morrisville’s growth patterns and commuting trends continue to present significant challenges for the Town of Morrisville to overcome

when considering how best to maintain and improve its transportation network. Table 2-3: Major Roadways – Existing Conditions as of January 2018 Roadway AADTs (2015) NCDOT Functional Classification 1

Typical Cross-Section 5-lane including center turn lane

Multimodal Features

11,000 to 33,000 15,000 to 31,000 21,000 to 31,000 151,000 8,400 to 17,000 10,000 to 16,000 15,000 to 16,000 16,000 to 22,000 27,000 to 40,000 20,000 to 25,000 9,300 13,000

Airport Boulevard

Minor Arterial


Few sidewalks and multi-use paths

Aviation Parkway

Minor Arterial


Church Street




Multi-use paths and sidewalks

Minor Arterial

4-lane median-divided

Davis Drive



9-lane freeway


Sidewalks and multi-use paths

McCrimmon Parkway Morrisville-Carpenter Road Morrisville Parkway


4-lane median divided

Minor Arterial



Sidewalks and multi-use paths

Major Collector

4-lane median-divided

NC 147 2


6-lane freeway


NC 54 (Chapel Hill Road)

Principal Arterial


Few sidewalks

NC 540


6-lane freeway


NW Cary Parkway

Minor Arterial

4-lane median divided Sidewalks and wide outside lanes

Perimeter Park Drive



4-lane median-divided


4,400 to 4,600

Town Hall Drive Sidewalks 1 NCDOT categorizes streets and highways into functional classes based on the character of service they are intended to provide in serving the flow of traffic through the roadway network. 2 NC 147 lies mostly outside of the Town of Morrisville’s jurisdiction Motor Vehicle Volumes NCDOT collects traffic volume data on state-maintained roadways every other year and develops estimates called average annual daily traffic volumes (AADTs) which represent two-way traffic volumes on an average weekday. The most recent segment level AADTs for the state-maintained roadways in Morrisville are from 2015 and are shown in Table 2-3 and Figure 2-16 . NCDOT traffic volume data is not available for the roadway segments without color, and traffic volume data at the segment level has not yet been made available. Local 4-lane median-divided

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