Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019
Figure 5-2: Prioritization and Guiding Principles Relationship
Crash History
Schools and Community Facilities
Existing Volume to Capacity Ratio Volume to Capacity Reduction
Activity Centers
Supports Transit Routes
Culture & Environment Enhance the Town’s quality of life by preserving and promoting its valued places and natural assets. Growth & Development Make travel more efficient by coordinating transportation investments with land use decisions. Safety & Security Promote a safe and secure transportation system by reducing crashes and improving emergency response.
Economic Vitality Support the local economy by making it easier to move people and freight around and through the Town. Mobility & Accessibility Provide a balanced transportation system that makes it easier to walk, ride a bike, and take transit. System Preservation Improve the transportation system’s longevity by emphasizing maintenance and operational efficiency.
To ensure that project recommendations best serve areas with existing safety concerns, crash data from June 2013 to May 2016 was analyzed relative to crash severity and frequency. Crash frequency includes a raw count of crashes along roadway project segments and within 300 ft. of intersection projects. The crash severity metric was calculated using NCDOT’s methodology that converts each crash to a “property damage only” equivalency. This is called the equivalent property damage only (EPDO) index, and gives greater weight to more severe crashes. The Table 5-7 shows the coefficients used by NCDOT to weight crashes by severity. Table 5-7: NCDOT Crash Weighting Coefficients SEVERITY DESCRIPTION WEIGHT K fatality 76.8 A incapacitating injury 76.8 B evident non-incapacitating injury 8.4 C injury not evident, but complaint of pain or lapse in consciousness 8.4 PDO property damage only 1 ܧ ܲ ܦ ܱ = 76.8( ܭ + )ܣ + 8.4( ܤ + )ܥ + 1(ܲ ܦ ܱ) Existing Volume to Capacity Ratio Existing volume to capacity ratios (V/C) were scored using the Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) methodology. The existing V/C for each linear project was obtained from the 2010 Triangle Regional Model and scaled using a point system. For new location roadways, parallel facilities that would be improved by the project were identified and the V/C of the parallel facility was used. The scoring system is defined below. Volume to Capacity Reduction Each linear project is scored based on the volume to capacity reduction from year 2010 to 2040. V/C ratios for the existing year were obtained from the approved regional travel demand model (Triangle Regional Model v5) base year 2010 model network with 2040 socio- economic data, and future year V/C ratios were obtained from a 2040 full build-out model. QUALITATIVE MEASURES Schools and Community Facilities Projects within ½ mile of schools and community facilities were awarded 1 point. Community facilities include parks, community centers, and greenway trailheads. Activity Centers Projects that serve an area designated as Business Activity Center, Neighborhood Activity Center, or Regional Activity Center in the Town’s existing zoning classifications were awarded 1 point. V/C < 0.2 0.0 points V/C < 0.4 0.2 points V/C < 0.6 0.6 points V/C < 0.8 0.8 points V/C > 0.8 1.0 point
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