Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019
the CTP. Attendees completed a brief visioning exercise (shown right) to help the project team capture existing sentiments and future hopes of those traveling daily in Morrisville. ONLINE SURVEY An interactive online survey was available beginning in October of 2016. Over the next three months, more than 250 participants offered input on community preferences, opinions, and issues for the various transportation modes. Participants also identified issues and potential solutions by placing icons on a map. The online survey yielded more than 600 data points for consideration during the development of the Plan. The following graphics capture the results of a few survey questions, while Figure 1-2 on the following page shows the results of the interactive mapping portion. Full survey results can be found in Appendix D . When asked to finish the sentence, “Over the last five years, transportation in Morrisville has,” survey respondents overwhelmingly (81%) stated either significantly worsened or slightly worsened.
When asked to consider the “biggest transportation need in Morrisville” most participants responded roadways.
Most participants expressed that transportation improvements should consider land use and the urban design features of surrounding areas, when asked, “When planning transportation improvements, we should focus on…”
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