Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019





The “Traffic and Transportation” section of Chapter 3 outlines the relevant implications and goals for the transportation system regarding the future development in the area. The sections feature analysis of intersection and road segments in the area, and seeks to forecast change based on future development. In addition, Chapter 4 outlines TOD Policy Goals and Objectives. Goal #2: Expand Transportation Choices, is most relevant to the Morrisville CTP. Section 6: Access and Circulation details several important transportation design standards. These include a wide variety of street, intersection, and bike/pedestrian accessibility. Section 5 identifies several action steps for implementation including involvement with Safe Routes to Schools and continual support and funding of active transportation infrastructure. Chapter 2 references the 2009 Morrisville Transportation Plan and its identification of areas in need of additional infrastructure. The section goes on to analyze these future infrastructure improvements will affect and be affected by hydrology resources. The plan shares that a robust greenway trail system was one of the most important recreational facilities desired by households in Town. The plan also reports that Morrisville is currently at 0.33 miles of trail per 1,000 residents with an anticipated 6.94 additional miles needed to reach the recommended 0.45 miles of trail per 1,000 residents. Chapter 2 of the plan, Mitigation Action Plan, focuses on the types of threats the County might face and the consequences of those threats. Many of these have implications with the transportation system such as closed roads or altered routes from flooding, storms, ice, wildfires, etc. Section B of the chapter lists goals and objectives that included some transportation strategies that will help to mitigate the effects of natural hazards. Chapter 4 of the plan outlines the visions and goals for the regions as seen by CAMPO. Chapter 4.2 lists these goals and objectives; 9 total goals, each with specific objectives. The section also lists notable performance targets for mobility issues. and compares them with 2040 forecasts. The map shows a variety of in development, existing, and future greenways in Morrisville. Some of which are a part of the regional system of greenways. Chapter 2 of the plan lists NCDOT’s mission, goals, and guiding principles. The summary table at the end of Chapter 6 is also relevant, listing proposed policies, processes, and programs.

Written in response to long-term plans for regional investments in expanded bus service and rail transit service, the Plan looks to create a TOD around the intersection of McCrimmon Parkway and NC 54.

McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan

June 2014

Morrisville Engineering, Design, and Construction Manual

The EDCM helps design professionals and developers comply with the UDO and other federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The Active Kids Strategic Plan adopted in April 2017 identifies action steps to realize a more active community for the youth in Morrisville.

July 2014

Active Kids Strategic Plan

April 2017

Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan

This document outlines the direct, indirect (or secondary), and cumulative impacts to natural, cultural, and historical resources.

September 2017

The Parks and Recreation Master Plan provides decisions makers with a framework for prioritizing park and recreation investments. Additionally, the plan sets forth goals and Level of Service (LOS) standards to help the Town measure progress.

Morrisville Parks and Recreation Plan

April 2018


Prepared by Wake County to focus on natural disaster mitigation strategies and proactive methods for preparing for them.

Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan


Prepared by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, of which Morrisville is a part of, the document lists future highway, bus transit, light rail, bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation projects to be implemented throughout the region through the horizon year 2040. Map of current and future greenway facilities in Wake County

CAMPO 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan


Wake County Greenway Plan

January 2017


This document, prepared by the state DOT, is meant to look at the future of the statewide transportation network, with 2040 as a horizon year.

NCDOT 2040 Statewide Transportation Plan

August 2012

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