Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019


Table 5-6: Recommended Policies or Programs TRAVEL MODE POLICY OR PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION


All Update the CTP every five years to ensure the plan’s recommendations and objectives remain relevant. Morrisville is growing rapidly, and will likely look and feel very different just a few short years from now. While the CTP should be amended regularly to comply with emergent information, a formal update process every five years will allow the plan to remain consistent with future goals and objectives, take into account emerging technology, and allow the community to respond to changing conditions. All Consider adjustments to the Unified Development Ordinance to accommodate recommendations in the CTP. The UDO is a major vehicle for advancing the Town’s goals and objectives through development opportunities. While the UDO primarily governs land use and development guidelines, transportation projects are often advanced incrementally through incidental improvements attached to development projects. Therefore, it is critical that bicycle and pedestrian connectivity requirements, future roadway connections, and transit expansion plans are all considered. All Develop and adopt an official Town policy to guide the funding of “betterments” associated with NCDOT projects. Though most roadway improvements on state-maintained roadways are funded through State and federal dollars, each project generally requires a local contribution for construction of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations or aesthetic improvements. Occasionally, things such as landscaping, sidewalks, and multi-use paths may require a higher local match in order to implement these enhancements during the roadway improvement process. The Town should develop a policy that guides the level of local funding that should be applied to fund these elements. This policy could help guide implementation of the full street section to the extent prescribed by the CTP, thereby improving the safety, aesthetics, and bicycle and pedestrian environment of corridors within the Town. All Conduct an audit and revision of the Capital Investment Program (CIP) annually to ensure that all major transportation projects are consistent with CTP recommendations. The CIP is a powerful tool to advance and fund the Town’s long-term transportation goals. Therefore, it is crucial that consistency with the CTP become a major consideration for the prioritization of major transportation improvement projects. Projects designated as short-term priorities in the CTP should also be prioritized within the CIP, and evaluated for the necessary funding obligations. Planning and coordination should begin immediately with NCDOT to ensure that adequate local funding is allocated for state-managed projects. Each proposed project should be evaluated for consistency with the recommendations, alignment with community objectives, and the potential for alternative funding sources. All Review the list of committed and priority projects on an annual basis to re-classify projects as necessary. In an environment of funding challenges and shifting priorities, it is not unusual for the list of funded projects to change from year to year, with some projects having their funding withdrawn. An annual review allows Town staff to re-focus their planning efforts each year with up-to-date information, and to work closely with NCDOT and regional planning staff to advocate for current local priority projects. These modifications should be reflected in Chapter 5 of the CTP as deemed necessary by Town staff. All Amend the Comprehensive Transportation Plan annually to include new transportation network enhancements as they are identified during the development review process. The CTP should be updated annually to take into account new developments, completed projects, and changing conditions. This amendment may include updates to figures and tables in Chapters 2, 3, or 4 , as determined by Town staff based on the types of enhancements to be added. Continue to follow efforts promoting the Triangle Bikeway , and work with NCDOT to ensure proper connections to Town bike facilities on Airport Boulevard. The proposed Triangle Bikeway is envisioned to run roughly parallel to I-40 to connect Raleigh, Cary, RDU, RTP, and Morrisville. This facility will greatly impact mobility in Morrisville and the surrounding region. Town staff should continue to actively engage in regional bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts to advocate for local needs, and partner with other local communities and advocacy organizations to raise awareness of the plan and seek public support. Additional modifications may be needed once the alignment for the Triangle Bikeway has been finalized. Incorporate the streamlined nomenclature for multi-use paths described in Chapter 4 to all Town documents, plans, and ordinances. The CTP classifies multi-use paths as either greenways or sidepaths, depending on their function and location. Incorporating this language within all Town ordinances, documentation, and signage can provide clarity and certainty throughout the community. Evaluate all unsignalized greenway trail crossings to determine whether crossing enhancements such as high-visibility crosswalks or signage should be added, as well as study potential locations for mid-block crosswalks throughout Town. Crossing enhancements are cost-effective ways to mark pedestrian and bicycle crossings that may not warrant a traffic signal. Town Planning, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works staff should collaborate to determine how best to identify which locations should have enhancements added. Conduct an audit of all existing crosswalks for ADA accessibility. Develop an inventory of existing crosswalks and identify the level of improvement needed for each location.

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Bicycle & Pedestrian


Economic Vitality Support the local economy by making it easier to move people and freight around and through the Town. Mobility & Accessibility Provide a balanced transportation system that makes it easier to walk, ride a bike, and take transit. System Preservation Improve the transportation system’s longevity by emphasizing maintenance and operational efficiency.

Enhance the Town’s quality of life by preserving and promoting its valued places and natural assets. Growth & Development Make travel more efficient by coordinating transportation investments with land use decisions. Safety & Security Promote a safe and secure transportation system by reducing crashes and improving emergency response.

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