Comprehensive Transportation Plan - March 2019
ENGAGEMENT Public outreach – whether through direct engagement or by input of community proxies – is an important part of a successful transportation plan. The two primary goals of engagement for the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan are to inform and engage the public. Engagement for the Comprehensive Transportation Plan occurred in two key phases: development of the draft CTP and refining of the draft Plan. The engagement completed as part of the development of the initial draft occurred between May 2016 and September 2017, and the initial draft was released on October 10, 2017. Following this phase, Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Board provided refinements to the plan through an iterative process resulting in a final draft that was sent to public comment on February 23, 2018. During public comment, Town staff conducted a robust engagement series consisting of 14 community outreach events. The final draft was provided to Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Board on June 6, 2018 for consideration for adoption. Following a final round of review and comments, the Comprehensive Transportation Plan was adopted by Town Council on March 12, 2019.
Informing the public requires the thoughtful translation of engineering and planning vernacular into common English. The initial step of informing the public is to communicate the purpose of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and how it affects them. Once the public understands the value of the plan and its goals and objectives, they can then engage the planning process. Engaging the public necessitates empowering them to speak up, paired with listening to their thoughts and opinions. Those who have the most to gain or lose from investments in the transportation system have perspectives that must be valued when developing project, policy, and program recommendations. The planning process included several avenues of public engagement to improve the likelihood that the feedback obtained was representative of the entire community. Engagement Strategies The Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan included a variety of strategies that intended to capture feedback from a cross-section of those who those who live, work, and recreate in Morrisville, or otherwise have a stake in the Plan's recommendations. The following sections detail several of the engagement strategies. A full compendium of the public engagement
conducted before and after the initial plan release is located in Appendix D . Table 1-2: Engagement Opportunities During Plan Development STRATEGY DATE
Community Event Outreach at SpringFest
May 14, 2016
Community at large Community at large
Community Event Outreach at Bike Safety Rodeo June 4, 2016
Online Survey Public Workshops
October 2016 – December 2016 Community at large
October 6, 2016 June 29, 2017 February 28, 2017 August 22, 2017 February 28, 2017 August 9, 2017 August 22, 2017 August 23, 2016 September 8, 2016 February 16, 2017 September 19, 2017 September 21, 2017
Community at large
Public Open Houses
Community at large
Plan Update Presentations
Town Council Planning & Zoning Board Developers Council Town Council Planning & Zoning Board Planning & Zoning Board Town Council Planning & Zoning Board
Work Sessions
Engagement Opportunities During Plan Development The sections below describe the events and opportunities presented to the community at large, Town Council, Planning and Zoning Board, and Developers Council to inform the development of the draft Plan. COMMUNITY EVENT OUTREACH AT SPRINGFEST AND BIKE SAFETY RODEO The Town of Morrisville Planning Department staffed a booth at SpringFest, held on May 14, 2016 and at the Town of Morrisville Fire/Rescue Department’s Bike Safety Rodeo. Information was provided at the events to introduce the update to
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