DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: 2/23/2018 version
NC 54
Weston Parkway to Perimeter Park Drive
Length 2.39 Miles
Street Hierarchy Major Thoroughfare
Crash Summary (6/2013-5/2016)
Traffic Volume (vpd) 2010 – 9,773
Total Crashes
Property Damage
2040 – 33,374
Fatalities 1 Most Predominant Rear End
Congestion (v/c ratio)
Priority Served 1. Congestion
2010 – 1.07
2. Safety 3. Transit
2040 – 0.90
Existing Conditions
NC 54 is one of the most heavily traveled routes in Morrisville, serving a mix of local and
regional uses. Congestion issues along NC 54 have spurred the development of corridor
and intersection-level studies to determine future improvements to the roadway.
Upcoming development such as the Wake Tech Community College campus will
encourage additional future growth. In addition, the proposed transit oriented
development (TOD) along NC 54 will create a multimodal transportation hub.
Within this section, NC 54 is recommended to be widened to 4 lanes, transitioning from 6
lanes on either end. The widening will include grade separations at McCrimmon Parkway
and Airport Boulevard. It is recommended that the Town should consider conducting a full
corridor study for NC 54 focused on access management options. A sidepath
recommendation is included for the length of the corridor with a strategic tie-in to the
Crabtree Hatcher Greenway. Scenario testing considered the addition of the identified TOD
and development growth to determine the viability of the proposed cross-section. The
Town should consider securing adequate right-of-way for separate bus lanes. After right-
of-way acquisition, the Town can construct a large planted median that will ultimately be
converted to dedicated bus lanes.
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