DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: February 23, 2018 version
CATCH PHRASES Activity: List key considerations that should be explored within each guiding statement.
Table D-6: Catch Phrases Results – Planning and Zoning Board
Culture & Environment
Economic Vitality
Growth & Development
Mobility & Accessibility
Safety & Security
System Preservation
widen streets in developments
create bypass around Morrisville
add transportation between developments
bike lanes on each street
timers for pedestrians at stop lights
clear cut the road ditches
place the pear trees along streets
transit station at McCrimmon
more electric charging stations for cars
van pools
crosswalks at lights
maintain street repairs
completion of greenway system
Marketing/Advertising TDM separated grade rail crossing at McCrimmon/54
Impact fees (or similar) to pay for infrastructure
use roundabouts instead of stop lights
more sidewalks
better street lighting
recognize cultural shift towards walking make more road improvements (help improve quality of life)
we need better control of (US/STATE) roads
more marked pedestrian crossings
fix the bumps on Perimeter Pkwy
more public transit
encourage employees to have flex time, work from home, etc
ECO pass or vouchers TDM
on making priority decisions we need higher prioritization w/ State/Campo on Morrisville thoroughfares
more police patrols
do something about 54
make roadways narrower to discourage
Get major road improvements
consider autonomous vehicles
speed but make visibility greater
start planning for that in anticipation for more
many more flashy on demand crosswalks near schools (like the one near Town Hall at Downing Glen)
efficient use of the roadways we have today
traffic increasing, more bus/rail in and thru town change road/bike configuration with either striped or separated bike paths
more greenway trails
Online Survey Results An online survey was developed and made available between October 2016 and December 2016. Notification of the public survey was
made available on the Town of Morrisville’s website and social media, as well as at the October 6, 2016 public workshop and the October
17, 2016 Town Council work session. The online survey was prepared using the platform Wikimapping, a survey tool that enables
respondents to provide input on community preferences, opinions, and issues for the various transportation modes. Participants also
identified issues and potential solutions by placing icons on a map. Respondents were also given a chance to enter their email address.
Those that provided this information were notified of future outreach opportunities for the plan.
This section includes a summary of the results of the transportation improvement online survey. A total of 276 participants responded to
the survey during the development of the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update . The results of the
question-based portion of the survey are included first, followed by two maps that display the results of the map-based portion.
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