DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: February 23, 2018 version
The first open house event was structured to inform the public about the process of developing recommendations. Participants visited
stations around the room to follow the “Roadway to Recommendations.” Stations included a series of exhibits showing the following
Roadway to Recommendations Stations Public Outreach
Results of the public input exercise from the
first public workshop.
A map depicting the results of the online
survey map component.
Previous Planning Efforts
A map showing the summary findings from
the Wake County Transit Plan.
Maps showing roadway, bicycle and
pedestrian, and transit recommendations
from the 2009 Morrisville Comprehensive
Transportation Plan.
Existing Conditions:
Maps showing existing bicycle, pedestrian,
and transit facilities within the Town.
A map with existing traffic volume levels
within the Town.
A map with existing congestion levels within
the town, based on 2010 congestion levels
reflected in the Triangle Regional Model.
A figure showing information about crashes
within the Town, including crash locations,
crash severity, and crash types.
Next Steps
Opportunity to speak with Town and
consultant team members about the
recommendations development process for
the Plan.
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