DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: February 23, 2018 version
Roadway Project Prioritization Activity: Participants were shown a board with prioritization criteria for roadway projects, and their relationship to the guiding statements
of the plan. This exercise asked participants to weigh in on which prioritization criteria they felt were the most important. Participants were
given three dots to put on their top choices, with their number one choice noted in a different color. The gameboard used is shown in
Figure D-10 . The Planning and Zoning Board was also given the chance to engage in this activity during a meeting in July 2017. Results
from both groups are shown in Table D-8 .
Figure D-10: Roadway Project Prioritization Criteria Activity Gameboard
D-20 | P A G E D R A F T | 0 2 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 8
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