DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
Table D-1: One Word Exercise Results - Public TRANSPORTATION IN MORRISVILLE TODAY
MY VISION FOR THE FUTURE Expecting More Greenways
Congested Roads
Broader Roads
Lack of Public Transportation
Transportation to local Universities would be awesome Separate Bicycle lanes on Church St/54
No response provided
Less Traffic More Lanes
No Bus Depot or Train/Light Rail Station Light Rail to RTP & Downtown More green trails, more lanes
No response provided Busy Intersections Too much traffic congestion
Bus Transportation
No response provided
Widening major roads
Traffic (Town Hall, Morrisville- Carpenter, NC 54)
Less Traffic Connected
All cars and Trucks
Trains, Trolleys, Trams, Walks Town of Morrisville will overcome it easily
More Traffic
Bottle Neck Roads Morrisville-Carpenter Illustrations of bottleneck
Widen Roads, Train Trestle
Illustration of straighten alignment
Remote Bottleneck Congested One Lane
Star Network
Expand Chapel Hill Road, not for buses, for cars Transit to RTP (so we can have one car)
Greenways!!! Convenient
Slow Busy
I'll like this place!! Under the tracks and 54
McCrimmon Parkway at the tracks
Wish you would stop approving apartment complexes/housing projects before making sure the roads are big enough
Town Council Work Session #1 The purpose of the first Town Council work session was to provide an overview of the planning process, discuss existing conditions, and to complete a series of interactive activities. The priority pyramid, thought card, and catch phrase activities are shown here along with a summary of comments received. PRIORITY PYRAMID Activity: Rank the guiding statements of the plan, with your highest priority at the top and your lowest priorities at the bottom. This activity was completed using the gameboard and stickers shown in Figure D-2 . Results of the activity are shown in Table D-2 . Figure D-2: Priority Pyramid Gameboard and Stickers
D-2 | P A G E D R A F T | 0 7 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 8
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