DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
Public Workshop #2 – June 29th, 2017 The second public workshop introduced members of the public to the preliminary recommendations for all modes of transportation, solicited feedback on prioritization metrics, and sought guidance in development of priorities for the key corridors. · Roadway Project Prioritization – Participants were shown a board with prioritization criteria for roadway projects, and their relationship to the guiding statements of the plan. This exercise asked participants to weigh in on which prioritization criteria they felt were the most important. Participants were given three dots to put on their top choices, with their number one choice noted in a different color. The Planning and Zoning Board was also given the chance to engage in this activity during a meeting in July 2017. · Strategic Corridors – Participants were given a worksheet with five corridors in the Town. Participants were asked to select a corridor, and then identify the top three priorities for each. Priorities to select from included safety, congestion, appearance, walking, biking, and transit.
Open House #2 – August 22 nd , 2017 The final open house meeting focused on displaying draft multimodal recommendations and the results of the prioritization process. Attendees were invited to provide comments about the content of the mapping and to interact with Town and consultant team members. Comments related to the content of the open house were received before, during, and after the meeting. These comments and are included in Appendix D . PLAN UPDATE PRESENTATIONS & WORK SESSIONS Throughout the planning process, the project team presented plan updates and facilitated several work sessions with both the Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Board. Comments and results from activities used in the work sessions can be found in Appendix D .
SPRING 2018 COMMUNITY OUTREACH Following the release of the Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update in February 2018, the Town held 13 Community Outreach Events throughout Town to provide opportunities for the public to ask questions and give feedback on the draft Plan. The events, held during April and May, attracted over 80 citizens and resulted in several suggested changes to the Draft Plan that was under review by the Planning and Zoning Board. The Town sent a postcard to every household in Town to advertise the events, and provided five handouts, seven posters and a comment card at each event to help the citizens learn more about the Plan.
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