DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
With the proposal to open Little Drive and its connection to Millicent Way, in my opinion this road will add to the safety and security concerns to residents (kids, elders alike), I do not agree to the development of this road. To oppose: Millicent-Little Dr. Connector As a resident, we strongly oppose the connection. This will create safety and security concerns and also does not serve any additional purpose. Reg: Proposed Little Dr. and Millicent Connecting Road In my opinion, I have to disagree with proposal for safety and security concern.
313 Millicent Way Morrisville, NC 27560 305 Millicent Way Morrisville, NC 27560 301 Bradson Road Morrisville, NC 27560
Vasanth Alle
Gowri Tanikella
Veera Boya
SPRING 2018 PUBLIC OUTREACH Following the release of the Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update in February 2018, the Town held 13 Community Outreach Events throughout Town to provide opportunities for the public to ask questions and give feedback on the draft Plan. The events, held during April and May, attracted over 100 citizens and resulted in several suggested changes to the Draft Plan that was under review by the Planning and Zoning Board. The Town sent a postcard to every household in Town to advertise the events, and provided five handouts, seven posters and a comment card at each event to help the citizens learn more about the Plan. Figure D-12: Postcard Advertising Spring 2018 Outreach
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