DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY Provide a balanced transportation system that makes it easier to walk, ride a bike, and take transit. As auto-oriented growth has influenced street design for the past few decades, streets have increasingly become unaccommodating, unsafe, and inaccessible for non-motorized users. Strategic investment in major roadways must be balanced with improvements to the bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and rail networks to keep people and goods moving, allow better access for residents and visitors, and enhance quality of life in the Town. This concept seeks to enhance mobility and accessibility and provide residents with transportation options by combining multimodal improvements with nearly every roadway enhancement. · Provide desirable and user-friendly transportation options for all user groups regardless of socioeconomic status or physical ability. · Support a fully integrated multimodal network that advances the concept of complete streets. · Expand and maintain a network of bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities that connects homes, activity centers, and complementary amenities. SAFETY AND SECURITY Promote a safe and secure transportation system by reducing crashes and improving emergency response. Reducing transportation fatalities and serious injuries includes integrating safety enhancements in all transportation projects for both motorized and non-motorized users. Additionally, encouraging a connected street network can serve to improve emergency response times. · Improve the safety of the transportation system for all user groups regardless of socioeconomic status or physical ability. · Increase the reliability, predictability, and efficiency of the transportation experience through system improvements and enhanced communication. · Improve safety and security by mitigating potential conflicts and delays at high-accident locations and rail crossing sites. SYSTEM PRESERVATION AND EFFICIENCY Improve the transportation system’s longevity by emphasizing maintenance and operational efficiency. A transportation network with high mobility is critical for sustaining and extending economic development. Ensuring local and regional mobility is an exercise in maximizing the capacity of the existing transportation system through systems management approaches. These approaches include monitoring and addressing pavement quality and ensuring that ancillary facilities such as traffic signals and ITS infrastructure are properly deployed. · Increase the lifespan of existing infrastructure and ensure transportation facilities are used optimally. · Maintain the transportation network by identifying and prioritizing infrastructure preservation and rehabilitation projects such as pavement management and signal system upgrades. · Increase the use of innovative transportation technology to enhance the efficiency of the existing transportation system and to be better prepared for emerging vehicle technologies.
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