DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
What role does Morrisville play? With the development and introduction of CAV technologies, the infrastructure, investments, and planning to support CAV’s increasing presence will need to be thoroughly strategized for the future. Within each travel mode, there are potential strategies and challenges that can be considered now to help facilitate the eventual incorporation of CAV technologies. In many instances, these planning issues will need to be assessed at a regional level to make their implementation feasible. The Town of Morrisville can serve as an advocate to encourage the consideration of these issues. Some examples of this are shown in Table G-1 . Future updates to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan should continue to update both the current state and future outlook for CAV and other emerging transportation technologies. Table G-1: Near-Term Planning Issues for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) TRAVEL MODE NEAR-TERM PLANNING STRATEGIES General Consider the future impacts of autonomous vehicles on land development and zoning bylaws. Roadway
Consider design requirements to enhance detection equipment and controller equipment to collect and broadcast speed and safety information. Roadway Consider how to begin accommodating autonomous vehicles within a mixed vehicle fleet. Roadway Assess the safety and mobility impacts of providing two-way left turn lanes in a CAV setting. Parking Consider the implications of converting on-street parking into pick up and drop off lanes. Bicycle & Pedestrian Consider impacts of greenway crossings at surface streets in a CAV setting. Bicycle & Pedestrian Consider the design impacts to bike lanes as autonomous vehicles are introduced into the fleet. Bicycle & Pedestrian Explore additional education and outreach programs designed for both bicyclists and motorists. Transit Consider future impacts of potential design requirements to accommodate autonomous transit vehicles. Transit Consider dynamic routing and agility in transit stops in response to real- time ridership needs.
G-3 | P A G E D R A F T | 0 7 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 8
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