DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
PLAN AND POLICY REVIEW Over the last two decades, the Town of Morrisville has a developed a range of plans and regulations to guide the Town in crafting action steps and policy recommendations, shown in Table H-1 . During the preparation of the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update , the adopted plans and regulations were used to understand how those policies have shaped transportation decisions in a host of ways, from land use to development guidelines and standards. Table H-1: Plans and Regulations Adopted by Morrisville DOCUMENT DATE DESCRIPTION KEY FINDINGS LOCAL
Chapter 46 of the document refers to the Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance document. Article V of Section 58 details the methods of transportation that can be allowed for use on Town sidewalks and greenways. Chapter 2 highlights the planning process and concept design, which outlines several changes/additions for the transportation system. Such as: better pedestrian access, physical road constraints, greenway linkages, and transportation improvement investments. Chapter 4 of the plan outlines policy direction for that time. Section 4.2 contains a list of policies meant to address: growth and development patterns, character and quality of development, transportation and land use integration, and community facilities and services via recommended transportation policies. Chapter 4 of the plan outlines the recommended land use policies, many of which have implications for the transportation system. Section 4.2 specifically lists these policies out. In addition, Chapter 5 goes into depth about future land use principles and form which also have implications on the transportation system. Article VIII of the plan outlines the department objectives and action items, which includes objective to increase greenway miles and acquire new park space, all which has an impact on the bicycle/ped transportation system. Furthermore, Article IX mentions specific implementation strategies and lists locations for construction of new greenways. Pages 6-8 of the report list guidance for various land uses and development options, many of which have relationships with key transportation issues. Page 6 of the report references goals from the 2009 Land Use and Transportation Plans for Morrisville. 5.2.2 outlines design and development standards for Transit-Oriented Development Districts. 5.3.1 outlines development standards for city blocks and subsequent street patterns. Section D specifically details block lengths/widths. 5.7 provides details on perimeter and streetyard buffers, which has implications for street networks and design. 5.8 provides stipulations for access and circulation in order to “ensure that development is served by a coordinated, multimodal transportation system that permits the safe and efficient movement of motor vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians.” 5.8.1 lists the main objectives for the section. 5.10 details parking and loading requirements for various types of development.
Town of Morrisville Code of Ordinances
October 1993
Document that provides ordinance code for the Town of Morrisville
The Plan describes creating a vision for a vibrant downtown center at Morrisville’s historic crossroads.
Morrisville Town Center Plan
Written concurrently with the 2009 Land Use Plan, the document outlines the future of Morrisville transportation at that time, looking at 2035 as a horizon year.
Morrisville Transportation Plan March 2009
Written concurrently with the 2009 Transportation Plan, the document outlines future land use strategies and policies for Morrisville, with a horizon year of 2035.
Morrisville Land Use Plan
March 2009
Written as an update to the 2006 Parks, Recreation, Greenways, and Open Space Master Plan, the Town prepared this document to act as a guide for future development for green space and recreational needs for the five to ten years following its inception in 2011. The report provides guidance on land use and development for the extension of McCrimmon parkway in Eastern Morrisville. This guidance was used to help prepare Morrisville’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The Plan is provided to balance the goals of providing good cellular service while minimizing the impacts that telecommunication facilities have on the community. Originally adopted in December 2013, and amended several times since, the purpose of the Ordinance is to “guide and manage the development of Morrisville in a way that takes into account present and future needs and resources that protect the health, safety, prosperity, and general welfare of the Town’s citizens and landowners.” The Ordinance is also intended to implement the goals, objectives, and policies of all adopted plans guiding the Town’s growth and development.
2011 (Currently being updated)
Morrisville Parks and Recreation Plan
McCrimmon Extension Guide Report
December 2012
Morrisville Telecommunication Facilities Master Plan
July 2013
Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance
December 2013
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