DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
Crash Statistics From June 2013 to May 2016, almost 1,300 crashes were reported on state-maintained roadways within Morrisville’s jurisdiction. Of the 1,272 crashes, 7 resulted in fatalities or disabling injuries, 271 resulted in evident injuries or possible injuries, 987 resulted in property damage only, and injuries were unknown for 7. Rear end crashes accounted for nearly half of all the crashes. Angle crashes, left turn crashes, and sideswipes combined make up almost a third of the crashes in Morrisville. The 7 crashes resulting in fatalities or disabling injuries occurred between August 2014 and March 2016 and are further described in Table 2-5 and Figure 2-18 . Table 2-5: Crashes Resulting in Fatalities or Disabling Injuries Location Date Time Type Severity
Figure 2-18: Timeline of Crashes Resulting in Fatalities or Disabling Injuries JUNE 2014
AUGUST 29 9:45 PM
JANUARY 1 5:22 AM 5:23 AM
Morrisville-Carpenter Rd at Railroad Crossing near NC 54 I-40 WB near Airport Blvd
9:45 PM RR Train, Engine
Disabling Injury Disabling Injury Disabling Injury
5:22 AM Fixed Object
APRIL 28 5:48 PM
I-40 WB near Airport Blvd
5:23 AM Rear End, Slow or Stop 5:48 PM Rear End, Slow or Stop
NC 54 at Church St
NC 54 at Carrington Mill Blvd Morrisville-Carpenter Rd at Railroad Crossing near NC 54 I-40 WB near Airport Blvd
10:24 PM Bicyclist
JULY 17 10:24 PM
7:49 PM RR Train, Engine
10:04 PM Rear End, Slow or Stop
Crash rates for intersections are typically reported as the number of crashes per million entering vehicles (MEV) and are commonly calculated with the following equation: CRASH RATE = 1,000,000 x NUMBER OF CRASHES 365 x NUMBER OF YEARS x ENTERING AADT Table 2-6 shows the crash rates for intersections in Morrisville where AADT data is available. Intersection crash rates are useful in gauging the relative safety of an intersection in comparison to other intersections in the study area. The crash rates are based on 2013 AADTs and 3-year crash data from June 2013 to May 2016. The average crash rate of studied intersections is 0.79 crashes per million entering vehicles. Despite an average entering AADT, the intersection of NC 54 and Morrisville-Carpenter Road has the highest crash rate, due to its higher than average number of crashes. Table 2-6: Intersection Crash Rates Intersection Entering AADT (2013) Number of Crashes Crash Rate (per MEV)
MARCH 8 10:04 PM
MAY 2016
NC 54 & Morrisville-Carpenter Rd Davis Drive & Morrisville-Carpenter Rd Davis Drive & McCrimmon Pkwy
33,500 40,000 33,850 40,500 27,500 24,000 37,050 30,600 40,550 22,000 27,400 24,100
72 62 49 55 36 23 32 15
1.96 1.42 1.32 1.24 1.20 0.88 0.79 0.45 0.20 0.08 0.03 0.00
NC 54 & Cary Pkwy
NC 54 & Morrisville Pkwy
NC 54 & Airport Blvd
Davis Drive & Morrisville Pkwy I-40 NB Ramps & Airport Blvd I-40 SB Ramps & Airport Blvd Aviation Pkwy & Evans Rd NC 540 WB Ramps & NC 54 NC 540 EB Ramps & NC 54
9 2 1 0
2-17 | P A G E D R A F T | 0 7 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 8
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