DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
THE PLANNING PROCESS The Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update represents a collaborative effort to establish a vision for the Town’s transportation network and identify a coordinated set of multimodal projects to achieve it. The plan addresses existing issues and anticipated concerns for congestion, safety, access, and connectivity for all modes of transportation. The process began with an explanation of socioeconomic conditions, a review of plans and policies, and an assessment of the current transportation network. A set of guiding statements were developed ahead of creating a coordinated set of multimodal recommendations. Once the full set of recommendations were developed, a prioritization process was created as a tool to help guide decision makers as they advocate for future funding. The Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update serves as the Town’s transportation vision, characterizes current and future transportation needs, and documents multi-modal transportation strategies to address needs through the year 2040. The graphic below outlines the planning process for the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update . Figure 1-1: Planning Process
WHAT IS A COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN? A Comprehensive Transportation Plan, or CTP, serves as a roadmap to guide multiple modes of transportation development in Morrisville. WHAT WILL BE EXAMINED? This effort will examine the population, employment, land use and development since the adoption of the 2009 Transportation Plan. It will focus on all modes of transportation including roadway, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit. WHY IS AN UPDATE NEEDED? The last CTP was adopted in 2009 and much has changed in Morrisville since that time. There have been shifts in population and employment, new developments built, and some changes to transportation policies. In addition, many transportation improvements identified in the previous plan have already been advanced to funding and implementation. many changes that have occurred in the Town’s
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