DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
Table 5-2: Potential Transportation Funding Sources FUNDING SOURCE DEFINITION Property Tax
The primary source of revenue for many municipalities and counties. Levied on private property, including land, buildings, and vehicles each year, and is based on the value of the private property. A fee charged each year when a resident registers a vehicle with the state. Funds, generated by the state gasoline tax, distributed by the state to municipalities to help fund transportation projects on municipally- maintained roads. Also known as State Aid to Municipalities funding. Requirements the Town places on new development to construct infrastructure to serve that development, including thoroughfare requirements from the adopted Transportation Plan. The traditional source of transportation funding in North Carolina for state roads – most of this funding comes from vehicle sales tax and state and federal gasoline tax revenues. These funds are generally distributed through competitive grant processes, and are generated from the federal budget. Provides some infrastructure to the Town for use in areas with low-to- moderate incomes. Levied by the county, and collected by the state, on purchases made within a county. Assessments levied on property to pay for public improvements benefitting that property with no related outside financing. Fees charged by some jurisdictions to fund certain public infrastructure and facilities. These fees are generally charged per unit. Miscellaneous funds distributed by the state to municipalities through a competitive grant process.
Motor Vehicle License Fee
Powell Bill
Development Requirements
CAMPO/Federal Funding
CDBG Infrastructure Grants
Local Sales Tax
Special Assessments – Private Property
Impact Fees
State Transportation Grants
Permits/Fees/Sales/Service Miscellaneous revenue generated by many different functions (that are not restricted for use and go into the general fund) within the Town, such as facility rentals, recreation programs, and development fees. Source: Town of Morrisville Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding Report, page ii, December 2014. Following the identification of these potential financing methodologies and funding sources, the Blue Ribbon Commission conducted an assessment of their viability within the Town of Morrisville. Financing methodologies and funding sources were assessed based on their performance against a series of evaluation criteria. These criteria included considerations such as sufficiency, timeliness, predictability, equity, suitability, and cost. Figure 5-1 is taken from the report and summarizes the findings of this assessment. Figure 5-1: Summary Evaluation Matrix – Transportation Financing Methodologies and Funding Sources
Source: Town of Morrisville Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding, page iii, December 2014. For those financing methodologies and funding strategies deemed as viable candidates for application in the Town of Morrisville, the Blue Ribbon Commission considered the potential level of investment and recommended project types. Table 5-3 shows the outcome of this consideration.
5-2 | P A G E D R A F T | 0 7 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 8
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