DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
The Federal regulatory agency responsible for administering and enforcement of Federal environmental laws including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and others. A severity metric that converts each crash to a “property damage only” equivalency. This is called the equivalent property damage only (EPDO) index, and gives greater weight to more severe crashes.
Environmental Protection Agency
Equivalent Property Damage Only
Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction An ETJ is the area adjacent to and outside of the Town limits in which the municipality has authority to exercise planning, zoning, and subdivision regulation.
Federal Functional Classification
The process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide.
The federal agency that develops regulations, policies and guidelines to achieve safety, economic development, and other goals of FHWA programs through the construction and improvement of the nation's transportation infrastructure and highway system. Multi-lane roadway with limited access and relatively high speeds. The word freeway is often used interchangeably with interstate. A corridor of undeveloped land, usually in an urban area, which is set aside or used for conservation and/or recreation. Greenways can also serve as pedestrian and bicycle facilities for recreation and transportation. In this region, the term is often used to mean a Shared Use Path, rather than the more complete definition of greenway. A system that uses modern electronic, communication and control technologies to provide travelers with better information on traffic condition, provide vehicles with safety equipment and improve the transportation infrastructure. Also includes technologies that identify, monitor, or control vehicles. The Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) was adopted by the NC Capital Area MPO on October 20, 2010. The program is used by the MPO to prioritize and program all projects in the region that will utilize federal funding such as Surface Transportation Block Grant Program – Direct Allocation (STBGP-DA), Congestion Mitigation for Air Quality (CMAQ), etc. The process involves a once-a-year call for all local roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects, and will result in an annual program of projects in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Refers to the availability of multiple transportation options, especially within a system or corridor. A multi-modal approach to transportation planning focuses on the most efficient way of getting people or goods from place to place, be it by truck, train, bicycle, automobile, airplane, bus, or foot. The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is the guiding document for future investments in roads, transit services, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and related transportation activities and services for a metropolitan area. The Plan must identify how the metropolitan area will manage and operate a multi-modal transportation system to meet the region’s economic, transportation, development and sustainability goals – among others – for a 20+-year planning horizon, while remaining fiscally constrained. The MUTCD is a compilation of national standards for all traffic control devices, including road markings, highway signs, and traffic signals. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality promotes the management of the State’s air, land, and water resources to support a sustainable environment, healthy communities, and vibrant economy. The North Carolina Department of Transportation is the agency responsible for construction, operation, and maintenance of the State’s multimodal transportation system. The National Wetlands Inventory is an inventory of America’s wetlands and is maintained by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Federal Highway Administration
Intelligent Transportation System
Locally Administered Projects Program
Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
North Carolina Department of Transportation
National Wetlands Inventory
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