DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
Table B-2: Morrisville Roadway Inventory STREET NAME EXTENTS
Airport Boulevard
NC 54 to I-40
State State State
Major Thoroughfare See pg. C-3 and C-4
Airport Boulevard Extension NC 54 to Garden Square Lane
Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Minor Thoroughfare
See pg. C-5
Aviation Parkway
NC 54 to Town boundary
4C 1
Carrington Mill Boulevard NC 54 to Slater Road
Morrisville Morrisville
4B 2C 2A
Carolina Street Church Street
Church Street to Town Hall Drive Morrisville-Carpenter Road to northern Town boundary
Collector Street Collector Street
Crabtree Crossing Parkway southern Town boundary north to terminus
Collector Street
Crabtree Crossing Parkway Extension
Morrisville-Carpenter Road south to terminus Morrisville-Carpenter Road to northern Town boundary Morrisville-Carpenter Road to Morrisville Parkway Church Street to Town boundary Aviation Parkway to southeastern Town limits Aviation Boulevard to Copley Parkway
Collector Street
Davis Drive
Major Thoroughfare
Davis Drive
Major Thoroughfare
Modified 4A
Downing Glen Drive
Collector Street
2A 4A 2A 3A 3A 4A 2E 2E 2A 4C
Major Thoroughfare
Evans Road
Factory Shops Road International Drive
Collector Street Collector Street Collector Street Collector Street
Aviation Parkway to terminus
Morrisville Morrisville Morrisville
International Drive Extension terminus to proposed Morrisville East Connector
Jeremiah Street Kit Creek Road
Church Street to Town Hall Drive
Modified 2C
Church Street to RTP
Morrisville/State Collector Street
2A/2E 2
McCrimmon Parkway to northern Town limits NC 54 to Carrington Mill Boulevard Sorrell Grove Church Road to Watkins Road
Louis Stephens Drive
Major Thoroughfare
Lichtin Boulevard
Marcom Drive
Collector Street Collector Street
Mason Farm Road McCrimmon Parkway McCrimmon Parkway Extension
Church Street to terminus Louis Stephens Drive to NC 54 NC 54 to Aviation Parkway
State State State State State State State State State
Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Minor Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Major Thoroughfare Collector Street
4C 1,3
4A 4
Morrisville-Carpenter Road NC 54 to Town boundary
Airport Boulevard to McCrimmon Parkway Extension northern Town boundary to NC 540 NC 540 to Perimeter Park Drive Perimeter Park Drive to Weston Parkway Weston Parkway to Cary Parkway eastern Town limits to western Town limits Willingham Road to Louis Stephens Drive NC 54 to Davis Drive
Morrisville East Connector Morrisville Parkway NC 54 (Chapel Hill Road) NC 54 (Chapel Hill Road) NC 54 (Chapel Hill Road) NC 54 (Chapel Hill Road)
3A 4B
See pg. C-10 See pg. C-11 See pg. C-12 See pg. C-13 Modified 4B
NW Cary Parkway Parkside Valley Drive Perimeter Park Drive Shiloh Glenn Drive
Morrisville Morrisville Morrisville
Collector Street
NC 54 to Airport Boulevard NC 54 to eastern Town limits
Minor Thoroughfare
Collector Street
Slater Road Slater Road Slater Road Slater Road
Airport Boulevard to Copley Parkway Copley Parkway to Carrington Mill Road Carrington Mill Road to NC 540
State State State State State
Minor Thoroughfare Minor Thoroughfare Minor Thoroughfare Minor Thoroughfare
4-Lane Undivided 5
2B 3A 2A 2A
NC 540 to Shiloh Glenn Drive
Sorrell Grove Church Road Airport Boulevard to Slater Road
Collector Street Collector Street Collector Street Collector Street
Southport Drive Southport Drive Treybrooke Drive Town Hall Drive
Aviation Parkway to McCrimmon Parkway
Morrisville Morrisville Morrisville Morrisville Morrisville
International Drive to NC 54 Church Street to Town Hall Drive
Modified 2C Modified 4A 5A/4A/2A 6
Morrisville-Carpenter Road to McCrimmon Parkway
Minor Thoroughfare
Town Hall Drive Extension McCrimmon Parkway to Ferntree Court
Collector Street
Watkins Road
NC 54 to Perimeter Park Drive
Minor Thoroughfare
1 Airport Boulevard, Airport Boulevard Extension, Aviation Parkway, Davis Drive, McCrimmon Parkway, McCrimmon Parkway Extension, Morrisville-Carpenter Road, and NC 54 are corridors in which the Town has expressed a strong interest in future dedicated bus lanes. Any alternative 4C cross-section shall have enough dedicated right-of-way for the inclusion of a 12-ft dedicated bus lane. 2 Kit Creek Road has intermittent sections of cross-section 2E, but is predominantly 2A. 3 The McCrimmon Parkway Extension has a 117-ft right-of-way. Expansion of this to include bus lanes would only occur with Wake Transit funds. 4 Morrisville-Carpenter Road rom Davis Drive to NC 54 is a modified 4A cross-section with a narrower median, 11-ft inside lanes, and 14-ft outside lanes. 5 Slater Road is a-typical and is not a divided roadway. The Town of Morrisville standard cross-sections do not support a 4-lane undivided cross-section. Any future improvements along Slater Road shall include a 10-ft sidepath to accommodate the Triangle Bikeway. 6 Town Hall Drive Extension has a 5A cross-section from McCrimmon Parkway to Harris Mill Road, a 4A cross-section from Harris Mill Road to the Town/RTP Boundary, and a 2A cross- section from the the Town/RTP Boundary to Ferntree Court.
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