DRAFT Morrisville Affordable Housing Plan, September 23, 2019 version



About this Affordable Housing Plan

In recent decades, the Raleigh-Durham region has experienced a high rate of growth in population and employment as well as in housing and other forms of physical development. Across the region, a variety of forces have conspired to distribute housing demand unevenly, resulting in a spiky landscape of home values and rents, with a handful of places becoming expensive relative to regional incomes while others remain relatively affordable. While most households in the region are earning enough to find housing that works for them— in spite of high costs in specific areas— the lowest-earning households are left with too few options, always being forced to react to the cascading choices made by those higher up the income ladder. This is the context within which Morrisville seeks to advance goals related to housing affordability. The Town of Morrisville commissioned this plan in order to better understand the affordable housing challenges facing its region and community, to understand its options for responding, and to devise a course of action that would be both effective and practical. The plan attempts to achieve those ends.

Affordable Housing Plan for Morrisville, NC | 2019


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