Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update_September 25, 2017
Engagement Strategies The Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update included a variety of strategies that intended to capture feedback from a cross-section of those who live, work, recreate, or have a stake in the Plan’s recommendations. The engagement strategies included:
· Community Event Outreach at SpringFest · Planning and Zoning Board Work Sessions · Town Council Work Sessions
· 2 Public Workshops · 2 Public Open Houses · 3 Plan Update Presentations · 1 Online Survey
The following sections detail several of the engagement strategies. A full compendium of the public engagement process can be found in Appendix C. PUBLIC WORKSHOPS AND OPEN HOUSES Gathering input from the public throughout the planning process is critical to understanding local needs, identifying projects of importance, and gaining buy-in to see projects progress from planning to implementation. Citizens recognize the strengths and shortcomings of their transportation system, and transportation decisions affect them daily. To fully utilize the knowledge of Morrisville residents, the project team conducted two public workshops and two public open houses. Meeting attendees were updated about the plan and encouraged to participate in the interactive activities. Public Workshop #1 – October 6 th , 2016 The objective of the first public workshop was to educate the public about the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update and to obtain input regarding their priorities and goals, mobility issues, and desired routes and destinations. The open house was a drop-in session with several interactive activities.
Open House #1 – February 28 th , 2017 The first open house event was structured to inform the public about the process of developing recommendations. Exhibits showed existing conditions, results from the first public workshop and online survey, and recommendations from previous planning efforts. Participants visited stations around the room to follow the “Roadway to Recommendations.” Public Workshop #2 – June 29th, 2017 The second public workshop introduced members of the public to the preliminary recommendations for all modes of transportation, solicited feedback on prioritization metrics, and sought guidance in development of priorities for the key corridors. Open House #2 – August 22 nd , 2017 The final open house meeting focused on displaying draft multimodal recommendations and the results of the prioritization process.
ONLINE SURVEY An interactive online survey was available beginning in October of 2016. Over the next three months, more than 250 participants offered input on community preferences, opinions, and issues for the various transportation modes. Participants also identified issues and potential solutions by placing icons on a map. The online survey yielded more than 600 data points for consideration during the development of the plan. The map on the following page shows the results of the interactive mapping portion.
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