Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update_September 25, 2017



Offer balance between providing local land access and moving people and goods · Have lower travel speeds and traffic volumes than Major Thoroughfares · Tend to be limited in width by the built environment they serve

Functional Classification Minor Arterial

Local Examples

Town Hall Drive & Morrisville Parkway

Number of Lanes

2-4 travel lanes

Logical cap to number of lanes provided

Other Considerations


Connect neighborhood traffic to points within and between existing neighborhoods · Balance mobility and access by supporting local development at the neighborhood level · Primarily a conduit for local traffic during off-peak periods · Often include slower travel speeds

Functional Classification Collector

Local Examples

Church Street & Parkside Valley Drive

Number of Lanes

2-3 travel lanes

Logical cap to number of travel lanes provided

Other Considerations


Local, slow-moving streets

Can be urban, suburban, or rural


· Exclusive purpose is to provide block-level, local access, and safe connectivity to higher order streets

Functional Classification Local

Local Examples

Downing Glen Drive

Number of Lanes

2-3 travel lanes

Logical cap to number of travel lanes provided

Other Considerations

3-8 | P A G E

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