Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update_September 25, 2017
McCrimmon Parkway
Length 1.72 Miles
Functional Classification Urban Minor Arterial
Crash Summary (3 year totals) Total Crashes 154 Injury 29 Property Damage 124 Fatalities 1 Most Predominant Rear End
Traffic Volume (vpd) 2010 – 4,352 2040 – 19,470 Congestion (v/c ratio) 2010 – 0.38 2040 – 0.35
Priority Served 1. Congestion
2. Safety 3. Transit
Existing Conditions McCrimmon Parkway is in the midst of a significant change. With the extension of the roadway between NC 54 and Aviation Parkway this facility will provide a major connection through Morrisville. This extension will introduce opportunities for growth and also change the travel characteristics along the exiting section. Recommendations The recommended cross-section for McCrimmon Parkway includes a roadway widening from 2- to 4- lanes divided by a median. The widening will include a grade separated intersection at NC 54 and McCrimmon Parkway. Scenario testing increased growth along the corridor, ultimately confirming the proposed cross-section, along with the need for multimodal connectivity. The roadway recommendations for McCrimmon Parkway are complemented by sidepaths on both sides of the roadway, accommodating both bicyclists and pedestrians. The grade separation at NC 54 and McCrimmon Parkway should include quality multimodal enhancements that continue the sidepath recommendation throughout the corridor.
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