Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update_September 25, 2017


Before outlining a strategy for new policy and program recommendations, it is important to first reflect on the policies and programs that are already in place within the Town or are currently under development. An inventory of plans and policies with content relevant to the advancement of the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update was performed as part of the information gathering phase of the plan development. This information is included in the Appendix. Table 5-1 documents the policies or programs that are currently being used to address transportation needs within the Town, or are currently under development.

Table 5-1: Policies or Programs that are Existing or Under Development

Element Policies or Programs that are Existing or Under Development Roadway The Town of Morrisville is currently updating their TIA requirements. These requirements outline the level of traffic analysis and assessment required for different types and magnitudes of development. General The Town of Morrisville is currently preparing a Townwide Strategic Plan. This plan is intended to assess current Town policies and practices and make recommendations on how to better coordinate, schedule, or collaborate on these efforts. The Town of Morrisville is currently preparing an update to their Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Recommendations made within the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update will be incorporated into this plan, which will then provide additional detail about future destinations and activities. Roadway The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is used as a tool to communicate desired roadway connectivity as development projects are proposed. Roadway New developments are required to reserve right-of-way for and construct future collector streets. Bicycle & Pedestrian Bicycle safety campaigns are conducted periodically as a collaborative effort between Town departments such as Planning, Fire, and Police. Bicycle & Pedestrian The Unified Development Ordinance specifies the provision of facilities such as bike lanes and sidewalks within new developments and connecting to adjacent facilities. The Unified Development Ordinance allows for the provision of off- street neighborhood connectors. The Town has identified a Transit-Oriented Development District (TODD) as a zoning category within its Unified Development Ordinance, and has provided details for multimodal accommodation that will support future transit implementation. The Town is actively involved with the development and implementation of the Wake County Transit Plan. Bicycle & Pedestrian Transit Transit Bicycle & Pedestrian

The Town of Morrisville has been proactive in incorporating these key transportation considerations into its requirements, leading to a more connected and multimodal system. Moving forward, these efforts can be continued and augmented by considering the policy or program recommendations shown in Table 5-2.

5-2 | P A G E

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