Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update_September 25
PROJECT PRIORITIZATION The assessment of roadway projects for the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update includes both quantitative and qualitative metrics. The metrics used were defined using feedback received from Town staff, the Morrisville Planning and Zoning Board, CAMPO, and NCDOT. In addition, national resources such as Transportation for America’s The Innovative MPO and their Transportation Performance Measures: 2017 Survey were consulted to pull from national best practices. In addition to each metric, Town staff considered the importance of each metric to the prioritization process and how much weight each should carry. The following sections define each metric used in the prioritization process. Relationship to Guiding Principles At the outset of the planning process, the Town identified six guiding principles to help shape the direction and outcomes of the CTP Update. Those guiding principles are:
Culture & Environment Enhance the Town’s quality of life by preserving and promoting its valued places and natural assets. Growth & Development Make travel more efficient by coordinating transportation investments with land use decisions. Safety & Security Promote a safe and secure transportation system by reducing crashes and improving emergency response. Economic Vitality Support the local economy by making it easier to move people and freight around and through the Town. Mobility & Accessibility Provide a balanced transportation system that makes it easier to walk, ride a bike, and take transit. System Preservation Improve the transportation system’s longevity by emphasizing maintenance and operational efficiency.
During the development of prioritization criteria, the relationship to the plan’s guiding principles was closely considered. Each of the prioritization criteria identified responds to one or more guiding principles. The relationship between prioritization criteria and guiding principles is detailed below.
Prioritization Criteria
Applicable Guiding Principles
Crash History
Existing Volume to Capacity Ratio
Volume to Capacity Reduction
Schools and Community Facilities
Activity Centers
Supports Transit Routes
3-16 | P A G E
September 25, 2017 Draft
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