Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update_September 25
Prioritization Results The outcomes of this prioritization process are reflected in Figure 3-8. It is important to note that the prioritized projects shown here are not financially constrained – this list is independent of potential revenues and should be used as a guide to help advocate for future funding. The prioritization process is intended to serve as a tool that allows for flexibility in the order in which projects are implemented. This flexibility allows funding partners such as the Town, NCDOT, and CAMPO to be opportunistic and to take advantage of future revenue as it becomes available. To this end, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit projects are not independently prioritized. Where these projects align with roadway projects, the Town should seek to implement bicycle, pedestrian, and transit improvements concurrent with roadway enhancements. This approach is most cost-effective and minimizes construction impacts to the surrounding network.
3-18 | P A G E
September 25, 2017 Draft
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