FY18 Q2 Report FINAL
On October 24, Town Council accepted the presentation of the Certified Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY2017. The Town received an unqualified (clean) opinion from Cherry Bekaert that the financial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, the financial position of the activities for the Town of Morrisville. As of the close of the current fiscal year, the Town of Morrisville’s governmental funds reported a combined ending fund balance of $41,282,874, an increase of $11,275,171 over the prior year. The Town maintained its AAA bond rating with Standards and Poor’s and Fitch and its Aaa rating by Moody’s
IT Security Assessment
Mobile Computing Improvements The mobile computing environment in the Town’s fire trucks was reconfigured this quarter. Changes included updated data communications, extended wire- less capabilities and new laptops in all of the firetrucks. The laptops can be undocked from the keyboard to serve as a tablet for field related work. This is a new design for the department that will allow for addi- tional functionality.
In September of 2017, the Town offered Information Technology (IT) Security Training for all em- ployees to help build IT security awareness. As a follow-up to the training and in light of the ongoing security threats, the IT Department enlist- ed the services of SeNet Interna- tional Corporation, to perform a comprehensive IT system configu- ration and security assessment of critical infrastructure. SeNet has started reviewing the Town’s security practices and policies and will be offering sug- gestions based on Morrisville’s specific needs and industry best practices. The goal of the partner- ship is to better protect the Town computing resources.
Enterprise System Project Town Manager, Martha Paige (left), signed the Tyler Technologies contract in Novem- ber to officially start the Enterprise System Update Project. Project leaders from the Town and Tyler Technologies started work on a project strategic plan, which includes communica- tions, planning, training and project Implementation. Senior IT Analyst, Chuck Bryan, will serve as the Town’s Project Manager. Kick-off meetings for the community module (EnerGov) and the financial module (Munis) are scheduled for the third quarter of FY18.
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