FY2018 Recommended Budget
Programmatic expenditures have been categorized into major types and focus areas that are aligned with established strategic priorities. A summary of these requests with a brief justification narrative is provided as a part of the Budget Summary on page 26. Expenditures are subsequently included in the appropriate Department Budget Profiles to reflect placement within the operating budget framework, found in the Budget Details section of the budget document beginning on page 42.
Personnel Expenditures The Town of Morrisville continues to maintain low staffing levels per capita for the programs and services we provide. The demands created by expanding infrastructure needs (both new and existing) continue to grow. Our community expectations for timely responsiveness to inquiries and requests, particularly in Public Safety, foreshadow current and future needs. Continued development and redevelopment require specialized staff to meet the needs of our growing community. The chart illustrates our managed and controlled personnel growth. The Fiscal Year 2018 budget includes requests for five additional full-time people, and a police dog: Three (3) Firefighters One (1) Police Officer/K9 Unit One (1) Transportation Planner
A summary of these requests and a brief business case for each is provided as a part of the Budget Summary and expenditures are reflected in the Department Budget Profiles in the Budget Details section.
All requests have been reviewed and analyzed for true need of the department and for the betterment of the overall organization. Importantly, this includes ongoing review of staff levels compared to workload. Analysis of workload trends and town infrastructure point to potential staffing needs in the next several years, most notably, although not exclusively, in Information Technology and Public Works, as well as continued need in Public Safety (both Police and Fire). The workload of the Development Services departments (Planning, Engineering and Inspections) also continues to expand and will likely require an increased level of technical skill and expertise in the near future to meet demands in our community.
As we continually evaluate staffing, we also review job classifications to determine appropriate and accurate position descriptions are in place for each position. Minor adjustments occur each year within the Town’s adopted pay plan, and are also included in the proposed operating budget.
As we continue to balance day-to-day operational needs with the demands of strategic priorities, long-range forecasting and future planning, a need for an additional level of supervision within various departments may be necessary to effectively manage work, retain efficiency and maintain responsiveness. Pay plan adjustments to establish mid-manager level positions through reclassification and corresponding authority and responsibility (versus additional positions) may be an effective tool to consider in the future to address these issues, and could provide a fiscally sound alternative to adding staff alone. Evaluation of this approach and strategy is ongoing and will be provided as recommendations are formulated.
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