FY2018 Recommended Budget
I am proud of the Department and Division Heads who spearhead the daily work and plan for our future. I appreciate their willingness to consider options and solutions and their high level of commitment to all the work that allows us to do so much every day. As we consider and evaluate budget recommendations, there are always more needs than resources, and I am grateful for the awareness and understanding of the choices we need to make.
Assistant Town Manager Todd Wright has added meaningful insight and perspective to the budget process and I appreciate his willingness to tackle his regular duties and participate in the administrative oversight of the Town and the capital project management so integral to budget recommendations.
Each year, I am amazed by Jeanne Hooks’ dedication to the process of preparing the annual operating budget, her ability to intuitively align Town Council, Town Manager, and Department perspectives, and her commitment to not only the budget, but the story and context the numbers provide. She is open, receptive, and responsive to the needs and the goals shared by us all.
Together, we all play a role in this important budget discussion.
As we close out Fiscal Year 2017, we have made much progress in achieving an often-stated goal – moving projects along. This year in particular has seen much of past budget year’s work coming to fruition. We can also look ahead and see an improved roadway network, a town center with a library and a farmer’s market, and expanded opportunities to live, work and enjoy the Town of Morrisville. We have the capacity and we have the will to do great things. I am excited about what lies ahead.
The Fiscal Year 2018 proposed operating budget invests and reinvests in our people, programs, services and projects. We are financially strong and our financial forecast validates our ability to accomplish our objectives.
The Fiscal Year 2018 proposed operating budget will be presented to Town Council and the citizens of Morrisville at the Tuesday, May 9 Town Council meeting. The budget portal will open to facilitate and promote public input. A work session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16 and as a part of the May 23 Town Council meeting. The public is invited to comment at the Public Hearing, also scheduled for Tuesday, May 23. Town Council has expressed its desire to consider adoption of the budget at the Tuesday, June 13 Town Council meeting. I remain at your service during our budget deliberations as we achieve our goal of a fiscally responsible and reasonable adopted budget.
Martha Paige Town Manager/Budget Officer
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