FY2018 Recommended Budget
Residential New Single Family & Duplex up to 1,200 sqft per dwelling New Single Family & Duplexs over 1,200 sqft per dwelling systems and suitable for occupant's use within the inside perimeter of the exterior walls - to include garages, corridors, stairs, closets, or other features such as decks, porches, or bonus rooms. Residential Addition: *Gross floor area served by either mechanical, plumbing, or electrical Manufactured home or construction trailer - includes piers, tie-downs, steps, decks, electrical, plumbing & mechanical Modular Units/Dwellings Moved on Lot Residential Accessory Structure - includes attached deck, garage, open porch, etc.. Or detached shed or garage of more than 144 sqft or greater Residential Alteration, Change Out or Individual Trade - Building, Electrical Plumbing, or Mechanical Electrical Service or Gas Utility - Conditional Power and/or Conditional Mechanical Non - Residential Based on total construction cost of all trades including both labor and materials, fire suppression, and alarm systems if applicable. $0 - $2,500 Bedrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, or similar addition with ) up to 400 sqft Bedrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, or similar addition with ) over 400 sqft Multi-Family Dwelling
$550+ $0.25 per sqft
Same as New Single Family
$500 first unit (per unit)
$80 each trade + $0.25 per sqft
$80 each trade + $0.25 per sqft
$200 $250 $350 $500 $750
$2,501 - $7,500
$7,501 - $15,000
$15,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $100,001 - $200,000 $200,001 - $350,000
$1,400 $2,800 $4,500
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