FY2020 Budget

CIP Project:

Park West Fire Station

Project Category:



Morrisville Parkway between Chapel Hill Road and Bristol Creek

Construct Fire Station #4 to improve response times and service to the south side of the Town and positively impact accreditation. The facility would include two apparatus bays, ten dorms and the needed auxiliary space to accommodate two companies. The auxiliary space could potentially allow for the relocation of Fire Administration from the current PSMS facility.



The fire protection study indicated a significant need for a fire station in this location based on the data and standard's of coverage to improve response times to this service area. Property in this area is limited. Potential scenarios include use of undeveloped land or renovation of existing structures.


The project requires land acquisition, construction and equipment. This facility would require new personnel and reassignment of fire apparatus.

Other Considerations:

Preliminary Estimate



Includes: Design, Construction, permits, furnishings

All projects include in estimate a 25% contingency based on construction cost.

Strategic Goal:

Public Safety Readiness


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