FY2020 Budget

Sawmill Creek Greenway & Stream Restoration

CIP Project:

Project Category:

Bicycle & Pedestrian


Between Church Street and NC54 - west side of railroad tracks

Restore 0.4 miles of Sawmill Creek stream from erosion issues and develop 1.75 miles greenway trail running north to south along the Sawmill Creek Stream and rail corridor, providing improved pedestrian connectivity, promotion of alternate modes of transportation and improving water quality.



Greenway location aligns well with Town Center Core concepts and might be another great public/private investment opportunity. With Crabtree Hatcher Creek Greenway wrapping up, this is likely the next big greenway project. Staff will need to give consideration to the sequencing of the stream restoration needs to stabilize the area before construction of the trail. The updated CTP will influence timing and priority. CMAQ, Wake County Open Space, PARTF and CWMT grant opportunities may exist. The project would improve pedestrian options and greenway trails that are supported by the master plan. This site is in close proximity to the Historic Church parking lot and would provide easy access to the trail. The stream restoration would address water quality and erosion control issues that currently exist.


Other Considerations:

Preliminary Estimate



Includes: Land Cost/Easements, Design & Construction

All projects include in estimate a 25% contingency based on construction cost.

Improved Transportation Mobility

Strategic Goal:


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