FY2020 Budget

Branding/Wayfinding Implementation: Implementation of Wayfinding Phase of Branding Initiative, including design and location identification, permitting, fabrication and installation of wayfinding/designation signage for Morrisville facilities and community amenities. Connect Morrisville > Engaged, Inclusive Community Multiple Objectives. WatchGuard Warranty Renewal (Police): Extended warranty for in-car camera systems that were installed in FY2017. This request would extend the warranties to the end of year 4, which will coincide with camera and possibly vehicle replacement and protect the Town from uncovered maintenance and repairs expenses. Connect Morrisville > Public safety readiness Multiple Objectives. Police Evidence Tracking/Management System: Updated and efficient evidence management system. The current tracking system provides only basic evidence tracking, with other monitoring through manual spreadsheets created by the evidence custodian. This is time consuming and does not provide for evidence to be logged, saved and tracked in the management system. The proper checks and balances are needed to elevate and ensure integrity and credibility in a high liability unit of the Police Department. Connect Morrisville > Public safety readiness Multiple Objectives. Web-based software that will enhance capital project day-to-day management, task inventory, organization of data, and facilitate communication workflow, timeline monitoring and milestone delivery in the field. This project software is a complement, not a duplication of, the project tracking information reporting system. Connect Morrisville > Operational Excellence Objective 5.6: Leverage the use of technology to maximize results . 2019 Municipal Elections cost for Wake and Durham Counties. Connect Morrisville > Engaged, inclusive community Objective 3.4: Provide opportunities for meaningful public engagement and collaboration. Communications/Outreach: Continued rollout of branding on internal signage to ensure brand consistency and promote brand awareness, particularly in high traffic internal locations in Town. Connect Morrisville > Goal 3 Engaged, inclusive community Multiple Objectives. Census 2020: Contribution to the Wake County Complete Count Committee and Morrisville-branded 2020 Census items to hand out at various Town events. Wake County and its municipalities will pool resources to develop promotional efforts and marketing materials and will complement the individual efforts of the Town. The importance of an accurate count is vital to many areas of municipal tax revenues that are based on population count. Connect Morrisville > Engaged, inclusive community Objective 3.2: Increase awareness of activities and opportunities for engagement. Parks and Recreation Program Support: Miscellaneous one-time purchases to support program needs. Connect Morrisville > Engaged inclusive community Multiple Objectives • People Counters – purchase and installation of counting equipment to provide a more accurate count of the foot traffic at MAFC and reporting of user patterns by time of day that will allow better understanding of site traffic patterns and help in planning for staff and program scheduling. • Summer Camp Field Trips – swimming field trips to Silverton Pool or other service providers while MAFC is closed for renovations. Capital Project Management Software: Election Costs:










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