FY2020 Budget

CIP Project:

Airport Boulevard Extension

Project Category:



Intersection of Garden Square Lane and Airport Boulevard to Church Street

Phase one extension of Airport Boulevard (0.77 miles) would connect Davis Drive to Church Street. Roadway improvement would include a 4-lane cross-section with a 17.5 - 31 foot wide median, a 10 foot side path on the south side and 5 foot sidewalk on the north side, and wide outside lanes.



The Comprehensive Transportation Plan identifies this as another east-west route in Town, connecting Church Street to Davis Drive. The extension will also tie into a future grade separation of Airport Boulevard and the railroad/NC54 creating a full east-west connection from Davis Drive to I-40 and the Airport. The extension will qualify for LAPP funds from CAMPO and in prior submittals by NCDOT has scored well in the LAPP criteria. However the Town will need to provide a higher match to ensure a high score. This project is described as a mid-term (15-24 years) project.


Other Considerations:

Preliminary Estimate



Includes: Design, Construction, permits, furnishings

All projects include in estimate a 25% contingency based on construction cost.

Strategic Goal:

Improve Transportation Mobility


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