FY2021 Budget


The development of a responsible operating budget for the Town is a responsibility I do not take lightly. It is rewarding and I am grateful. I also recognize and approach it as a serious duty I have to the community, Town Council and staff. This year has been unique in the many individual facets of financial and operational decisions that contributed to this balanced budget proposal… property revaluation, bond referendum discussions, policy development that is in progress, major capital projects that are underway, continued growth in programs, services, and needs, and a pandemic that dramatically altered our approach in the midst of budget preparation. Our department heads and employees are fully committed to the Town and its work. Departmental budget requests are reasonable but aggressive in striving to achieve the mission, vision and goals espoused in our strategic plan and daily work activities. I appreciate their support in understanding not all needs can be met in one year. Town Council also faces tough decisions to bring together their individual opinions and perspectives into the collective guidance and direction for the upcoming budget. I believe I have appropriately balanced these many inputs into the proposed FY 2021 operating budget. I again want to thank Town Council for their support of all town employees in addressing pay equity issues earlier this year and in considering the pay adjustment incorporated into this budget proposal. Our people remain our biggest asset. Special thanks to Jeanne Hooks, who has worked in two budget systems this year, re-forecast revenues multiple times, and has substantially guided the budget process virtually with its many stakeholders - while also managing COVID-19 related items and continued bond referendum discussions. Jeanne is the guiding force and shining light to make the budget process happen in a manner that works for us all. She makes us all better. Thank you also to Brandon Zuidema who weathered an unconventional approach in his first Town of Morrisville budget experience. His work with department heads to bring forward thoughtful and deliberate budget recommendations was observed throughout the process.


The FY 2021 proposed operating budget and capital investment program will be presented to Town Council and the citizens of Morrisville virtually at the Tuesday, May 12 Town Council meeting. The budget portal will open on May 13 to facilitate and promote public input. Work sessions to discuss the budget are slated for May 19, May 28 and June 4. The public hearing is scheduled for June 9. A final work session, if needed, will occur on June 16, with adoption on June 23.


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