
Stormwater Master Plan Projects - Phase I



Stormwater Reserves

Location: Prioritized projects identified by study as areas of concern.

Strategic Plan Goal: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods

Scope & Justifiction: Provide funding for stormwater improvement projects as a result of the stormwater master plan study being conducted in FY21. This request will concentrate on the first phase of projects which accounts for three of the 10 projects compiled in the Study. The recently completed Stormwater Master Plan identified and prioritized 10 areas of concern Town wide. The first phase of identified projects are: Area of Concern #4 - Wolfsnare Lane Culvert Area of Concern #8 - Savannah Subdivision & Morrisville Carpenter Road Culvert Area of Concern #1 - McCrimmon Parkway

Stormwater Master Plan Projects - Phase II



Stormwater Reserves

Location: Prioritized projects identified by study as areas of concern.

Strategic Plan Goal: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods

Brief Scope & Justification: This request will concentrate on the second phase of projects which accounts for four of the 10 projects compiled in the Study. The recently completed Stormwater Master Plan identified and prioritized 10 areas of concern Town wide. The second phase of identified projects are: Area of Concern #2 - Garden Square Lane & Greenway Area of Concern #6 - Morrisville Carpenter Road Culvert (West of Millet Dr) Area of Concern #7 - Chessway Drive Culvert Area of Concern #10 - Morrisville Tributary Stream Restoration (a.k.a. Sawmill Creek Restoration)

Stormwater Master Plan Projects - Phase III



Stormwater Reserves and Future Debt Obligations

Location: Prioritized projects identified by study as areas of concern.

Strategic Plan Goal: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods

Brief Scope & Justification: This request will concentrate on the third phase of projects which accounts for three of the 10 projects compiled in the StudyThe recently completed Stormwater Master Plan identified and prioritized 10 areas of concern Town wide. The first phase of identified projects are: Area of Concern #3 - Town Hall Drive Culvert

Area of Concern #5 - Morrisville Carpenter Road Culvert (West of Davis Drive) Area of Concern #9 - Morrisville Carpenter Road Culvert (West of Madres Lane)

Notes: * Anticipated Bond Project(s); ** Potential Installment Financing Project(s).


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