Budgetary Control The Town Manager serves as the Budget Officer, as mandated by state statute. Annual budget ordinances are adopted each fiscal year and amended as required. The General Fund, Municipal Service District Fund (MSD), Stormwater Fund, and Retirement Funds are on an annual budgetary basis. Capital Reserve Funds are consolidated and reported in the General Fund as per GASB 54 as is the MSD Fund. All Capital Project Funds operate on a multi-year budgetary basis. Multi-year budgets span more than one fiscal year and are adopted and amended as required via project ordinances. Budgetary control is exercised at the departmental level by the adoption of the budget by Town Council, and at the line item within each fund as an internal best practice. All unencumbered budget appropriations, except Capital Reserve and Capital Project Fund budgets, lapse at year-end. The Budget Officer may designate a person(s) to carry out budgetary responsibilities. The Budget Officer and/or designee must approve transfers within functions. The Budget Officer and/or designee may also approve cross function transfers within the same fund. All transfers must comply with the Adopted Budget Ordinance and the Town’s internal Budget Adjustment Policy. Budget amendments requiring additional appropriations must receive Town Council approval in the form of a Budget Ordinance Amendment unless the Annual Budget Ordinance authorizes otherwise. As required by North Carolina law, the Town maintains encumbrance accounts, which are considered to be “budgetary accounts.” Encumbrances outstanding at year-end represent the estimated amounts of the expenditures ultimately to result if unperformed contracts in process at year-end are completed. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments may be honored during the subsequent year (Purchase Order Rollover). Emergency Appropr i at ions: Upon a declaration by the Council that there exists a public emergency affecting life, health, property, or the public peace, the Council may make emergency appropriations. If unappropriated revenues are not available to meet such circumstances, the Council is authorized to borrow enough funds to satisfy the emergency. Balanced Budget : According to North Carolina General Statute, local governments are required to present and operate under an annual balanced budget ordinance. A budget ordinance is balanced when the sum of estimated net revenues and appropriated fund balances is equal to expenditure appropriations.


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