o Acquisition, renovation/improvement, and/or construction of a single fixed public asset o Land purchases not associated with or included in another CIP project o Major equipment for any public facility when first constructed or acquired o Capital road maintenance or construction – excluding recurring or routine maintenance projects o May include State Roadway projects deemed important to advance within the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP), that would decrease congestion along major routes, or may contribute to improving public safety or economic development • Project categories – The projects will be organized within the CIP by the following major categories:
Public Facilities Public Safety
Public Roadways/Transportation
o State Roadways (design, grant match funds, or mitigating improvements)
Citizen Engagement : The purpose of citizen engagement will be a strategic focus on values and service needs obtained via a comprehensive survey conducted every four years to gauge community support for certain types of projects . Other methods of citizen engagement will utilize the Town’s Budget Portal and Public Hearing to receive input on needs to influence potential new projects and input on Town Council’s prioritized projects. Internal Review: An executive CIP Review Team shall be appointed by the Town Manager to critically assess project concept submittals for accuracy, project benefits, alignment to Town Goals, cost feasibility, and practicality of project. • Staff will utilize Project Evaluation Criteria established by Town Council to gauge the merits of an individual project based on the following criteria listed below in order of their weighted significance:
⎯ Project Cost ⎯ Safety ⎯ Fiscal Efficiencies ⎯ Availability of Funding ⎯ Level of Service ⎯ Mandates ⎯ Alignment to Goals/Objectives ⎯ Economic Impact ⎯ Improvement of Public Fixed Asset ⎯ Project Readiness
Prioritization of Projects: Council will produce a prioritized list of projects representing the highest priorities using key information tools every 4 years.
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