Engineering Fee Description

FY2022 Fee

Adopted Fee Change


Infrastructure Fees

Roadway improvements w/in or adjacent to public right-of-way includes storm drainage, grading, curb and gutter, sidewalks, paving, and street acceptance (includes 1 punch-list walkthrough, 1 post punch-list walkthrough, 1 end of warranty punch-list and 1 final acceptance walkthrough

$6.00 per linear foot [NOTE: punch-lists are only valid for 3 months from date of inspection letter unless otherwise allowed for by the Town Engineer. Failure to complete required repairs will result in a new punch- list walkthrough being completed and re- inspection fee required]) $50 per street + $0.50 per linear foot

Street Acceptance Walk Through (Punch- list) Re-inspection

Roadway Improvements Re-inspection

$50 per inspection

Driveway curb cut includes excavation, forming, and concrete placement

$50 per driveway opening

Re-inspection of driveway curb cut

$50 per driveway opening

Encroachment in public right-of-way (includes excavation, backfill and work relating to the installation, repair, replacement, and removal of utilities, structures, or other encumbrances within Town R/W) Detached single-family dwelling unit (includes one inspection and one re- inspection) Re-inspection of detached single-family dwelling unit includes 2 additional re- inspections Sidewalk improvements outside public right-of-way Roadway / Fire lane improvements outside of public right-of-way Storm drainage improvements outside of public right-of-way Drainage swale/ditch improvements (outside of public right-of-way) Attached town home dwelling unit (includes one inspection and one re- inspection) Re-inspection of attached town home dwelling unit (includes two additional re- inspections)

$2.00 per linear foot

$150 per lot

$150 per lot

$0.50 per linear foot

$2.50 per linear foot

$1.50 per linear foot

$1.50 per linear foot

$75 per lot

$75 per lot


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