analytical review, policy development and compliance skills. Dawn Raab, Budget & Management Analyst, has spearheaded improvement in our base budget monitoring and by developing a comprehensive equipment replacement and maintenance schedules to effectively recognize and balance these increasing costs in our budget development process. They are a great team, and their work is evident in the FY 2023 proposed budget. Thank you to Jeanne, Michael, and Dawn. Town staff’s work continues, as does that of Town Council, whose influence on this budget was provided beginning at theWinter Meeting and through budget prioritization exercises and pre-budget and budget previewwork sessions. Thank you for your hardwork as wemove towards the adoption of a strong, stable and balanced budget for FY 2023. The budget will be available to the public by May 9 and will be formally presented to Town Council and the community at the May 10, 2022 Town Council Meeting. Formal presentation of the budget will be followed by more in-depth discussion of its development and core components. The budget portal will be open for public input, feedback, and comment from May 11 through May 24. Work sessions are planned for May 17 and May 26. Tentative work sessions, if needed, could be held on June 7 and June 9. Budget adoption is anticipated on June 14; if not adopted June 14, adoption would be scheduled on June 28. In accordance with state law, a balanced budget must be adopted before July 1. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tool will be utilized throughout deliberations to supplement information included in presentations to provide expanded detail and clarification of budget requests for the FY 2023 proposed budget. The FY 2023 proposed budget represents a transitional year from rapid growth and expansion of people, programs and services to a year of stabilization , particularly with recurring expenses. Choices were limited, despite continuing needs and the desire to further impact and enhance program and service delivery. Staff can and will continue to fulfill our mission, guided by the Connect Morrisville Strategic Plan goals, to address Town Council priorities. Additional attention to the long-range forecast to incorporate personnel requests and project opportunities will ensure items not included in this year’s proposed budget are not lost but are considered and coordinated into future forecasts during FY 2023. Summary Budget Deliberation Timeline


Martha Paige Town Manager/Budget Officer


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