Inspections Fee Description

FY2022 Fee

Adopted Fee Change


Residential -Single Family Dwelling & Single-Family Townhome New Single Family & Duplex up to 1,200 sqft per dwelling New Single Family & Duplexes over 1,200 sqft per dwelling


$600+ $0.25 per sqft

*Gross floor area served by either mechanical, plumbing, or electrical systems and suitable for occupant's use within the inside perimeter of the exterior walls - to include garages, corridors, stairs, closets, or other features such as decks, porches, or bonus rooms.

Residential Addition:

Bedrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, or similar addition with up to 400 sqft Bedrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, or similar addition with over 400 sqft


Same as New Single Family

Multi-Family Dwelling

$600 first unit (per unit)

Manufactured home or construction trailer (includes piers, tie-downs, steps, decks, electrical, plumbing & mechanical)


Modular Units/Dwellings Moved on Lot

$80 each trade + $0.25 per sqft $80 each trade + $0.25 per sqft

Residential Accessory Structure - includes attached deck, garage, open porch, etc. Or detached shed or garage of more than 144 sqft or greater Residential Alteration, Change Out or Individual Trade - Building, Electrical Plumbing, or Mechanical Electrical Service or Gas Utility - Conditional Power and/or Conditional Mechanical



Non – Residential/Commercial

Based on total construction cost of all trades including both labor and materials, fire suppression, and alarm systems if applicable. Permits limited in project scope to change outs are based off cost of construction of highest single trade only.

$0 - $2,500


$2,501 - $7,500


$7,501 - $15,000


$15,001 - $25,000


$25,001 - $50,000


$50,001 - $100,000



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