levels was outpacing natural revenue growth and would limit additional projects and initiatives in the future. This report was followed by a health insurance update administrative report in February to keep Town Council apprised of those ongoing budget effects. At the same time, departments submitted preliminary budget requests for initial review and vetting by senior staff; that was followed by department meetings for discussion and additional clarification. Productive dialogue and mutual awareness of the economic and financial climate and organizational capacity is an essential part of the budget preparation schedule. An ARPA Update and Budget Brainstorming were a focal point of Town Council’s Winter Meeting. Robust discussion, and a second FAQ was prepared to support Town Council’s upcoming work on the budget this spring. Town Council received a comprehensive review of the growth in the base budget and program and project budget impacts influencing the upcoming budget development cycle. Formal budget submittal requests were developed in February and submitted to the Budget Department in early March. The iterative process of review and vetting and meetings with departments help transition from the individual department prioritization of requests into development of an organizational perspective of a balanced budget, with enhanced scrutiny of recurring and one-time requests for long-range fiscal sustainability becoming an even more essential influence. All budget requests are fully and carefully considered for inclusion in the budget. Alternative strategies for accomplishing work and the corresponding impacts (short-term and long-term) of not including items in the budget are fully evaluated to allow for the production of a thoughtful and deliberate approach to the budget. Town Council began its preliminary work in earnest in February through completion of an ARPA survey to capture its collective priorities for uses of those funds on achieving goals and objectives. “Quick, small wins” was the prevailing preference, with continued emphasis on public safety and transportation mobility efforts. A more encompassing and broad budget brainstorming exercise followed in March to probe for additional budget guidance and direction into the preferred budget approach, ideas and strategies, and the broader overall community message. These inputs have directly guided the development of the proposed FY 2023 budget. The budget preview provided to Town Council in April affirmed that staff was on track with Town Council’s direction. Throughout the year, Town Council has been regularly updated on various matters through quarterly financial and capital project update reports. Town Council has also received many presentations and administrative reports to track progress, challenges, and timing of major projects and initiatives that are integral to the broader budget balancing strategy for FY 2023, the long-range forecast and expedited launch of bond projects. Examples of major updates include the Harris Mill Fire Station, Morrisville Community Park Phase 3, Airport Boulevard Extension, Triangle Bikeway, Affordable Housing, UDO Update, Smart Shuttle, Sustainability, Small Business, and Smart City programs, and various parks and recreation initiatives such as a dog park, disc golf, and cricket. There is a tremendous amount of work underway in Morrisville. Each step of the budget cycle is based on the guidance and understanding of Town Council, attention to community priorities, and an emphasis on historical context, trend analysis, benchmarking, forecasting, and continuous process improvement.


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